Another post cycle therapy (pct) thread...Nolva and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) only for Test E


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Another PCT thread...Nolva and HCG only for Test E

Ok guys halfway into my first cycle of Test E at 500 mgs for 10-12 weeks (shots Monday and Thurday 250 each) and taking Aromasin 6gm ED instead of 12 EOD feels more stable. So I've googled the shit out of this and so many mixed answers. Some say not to take the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for the whole cycle bc of LH desensitization. So I have 5000IU on hand and sufficient Nolva. I was thinking starting Nolva 10 days after last inject (SOME say 14 but I think is better), but my logic is start priming the body to get ready before test drops below normal. IF thats wrong correct me. The Nolva protocol is 40mg ED for first 2 weeks and 20mg for the next two, but I'm unsure about the HCG. Should I use 500IU ED in those 10 days of waiting to hop on the Nolva or spread it out more such as 1250IU a week over the course of post cycle therapy (pct). Also I have read that I should continue Aromasin into PCT as well at 12.5 mg ED, is this needed?
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after reading Swale's sticky, doing it throughout PCT is a no no, so How about starting 2-3 before cycle ends and continuing one week after last shot. What would good dosing be?
^^haha.... but on a serious note, just run the aromasin until the day before you start post cycle therapy (pct). and your pct should be 2.5 weeks after last pin. also wouldn't hurt to add some clomid in at 50mg ed for 4 weeks with the nolva. as for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) ive heard to start mid cycle and blast prior to post cycle therapy (pct). but I have also heard 500iu a week for the duration of the cycle, stopping before pct... I think its more a preference thing some people like it one way some the other
Yeah I meant 2-3 weeks before PCT starts with the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) not days lol and thanks. I dont have access to Clomid, but I figure the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) will take care of the LH production which Nolva is usually used for right? Alright thanks about the Aromasin as well. I heard some guys run it a week or two week into PCT because when E gets low that further induces test production since the body increases E via Test Aromatization. But so many different approaches its stessing me out. So Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 2 weeks before cycle ends and stop before Serm administration. I gonna start 14 days after last pin tho. 2.5 weeks seems a little rough. Heres one of the sites I got some info from seems pretty informative, lmk if its BUNK.