Anti E while on TRT?????


New member
Hi guys. Brand new to the forum. Just discovered this site and its a great source of information.

I began testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) 6 weeks ago. I do 200/week of Test C with self injections. This is via doctors prescription as I complained that my test was too low(which it was per the blood tests!). I am 42 yrs old and I do feel better since starting the test. My lifts have gone up and my endurance has improved. Thus far no real side effects except the nipples being a little tender. I have never been prone to any gyno with the PH cylces i've done previously. But what should I do regarding anti E on a long term testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)? He did not prescribe me any. Im sure he would if I consulted with him. What are your thoughts and/or experiences?

Thanks in advance....
Absolutely, 100%, no doubt you need anti estrogen! I am in complete awe that any doctor would put any patient on hrt/trt and not script them some anastrozole right along side of it. Call ur doc, tell him you need 1mg anastrozole asap! If the nips are already tender, then the next step will be pain, than lumps! Get a running script for anastrozole..... Take one a day for two weeks straight. The tenderness should disappear. Continue with it one every third day on a regular basis. Your body is already telling you that it is sensitive to the aromitization of the test, so dont wait around. Your doc never should have put you in a position to get to that point. Feel free to call or email me if you need help.
Thanks, Chip. I will contact him first thing in the am. he is a urologist, but doesnt have all that much experience with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). i am concerned, however, that he may want to reduce the dosage to less than 200 mg a week which I do NOT want to have happen. also is there another back up anti E that you would recommend if for whatever reason he is apposed to that drug or even if that drug is not on my insurance....

Thanks much, Chip!!!!
Hi, again, Chip. I texted my MD tonight to ask him for an anti E. He replied that he does not use anti E meds!!!! He added that the data wasnt there to support it!!! GREAT!!! Now, what do I do???? Any advice on how else to obtain? I have used SNS Inhibit E for PCT on PH cycles previously. I believe this also binds reversibly to the arom. enzyme, correct? I certainly could obtain this as its non-prescription. I am guessing you will tell me that would be insufficient, however..... Any advice???

Thank you....
What the hell?!?!

Your doc is a incompetent bastard! :chainsaw:

Do you live in the states? If so Chip can set you up...You can also use research AI's from RUI... The prices are about the same tho...

I would also look for a new doc.
wow, I'd find a different doc. Every person I've ever known that has gone for replacement therapy has been also taken care of with anti e's. One guy I know was going to have to pay everything out of pocket and it was going to be a huge expense..the other guy was lucky enough to find a doc specializing in this that has it covered by insurance somehow..

What does your doc intend to do if you get gyno?