Any decent 6 week cycles?


New member
This coming fall/ winter I have a 6 week window inbeteen where I will be in off-cycle mode and a 3 week trip trip to Portugal. Are there any cycles I can do in that period of time that are worth it?
Well, first your age would help then goals, what you are trying to achive and then if you have ever done any cycles in the past or not. Start with that and I am sure some one will chime in.....
4 and 6 week cycles are very doable, although I don't recommend it for OP, but most of my success came from short burst cycles. Body needs to be primed properly prior to cycling.
Alright. I was just curious, I guess it can wait until I get back. Since mr.transporter needs to know, I'm 23 y/o, 6'4" 240ish(a little bloated at the moment). The only goal I have is pretty general, to get bigger. Cycle history is a couple pro hormone cycles, hdrol, epi, etc. and I'm in the tail end of my first test only cycle.
To be honest with you, mr transporter can care less ;) But if you need help or have a question, you need to make yourself clear on what you are asking. It looks like you know it all. Good luck !
Since mr.transporter needs to know, I'm 23 y/o

This is the first question everyone here should ask before giving advice. Being a dick about will not make friends or get you advice. There's a few things I would have recommended, but I'm sure a guy like you can figure them out for himself.

Good luck.
What? Sorry guys, i didn't mean for that to come out rude, I have made up my mind to wait. Thanks though
Sorry if I read something into it that you didn't intend. It can be hard to tell what people mean it text. It's all good.
please explain this being "primed" :)

really? i was studying a 6 week cycle for my first one:/ explain why?

Primed as in been training for years with proper diet at all times and reached your natural genetic peak in lbm...
And of age of course.

And six weeks is.just a waste of a shutdown...
You are going to spend time and money and take a risk on screwing up your body for a 6 week cycle? Most cycles don't kick in to full throttle till week 3 or it would be a waste of a cycle, especially for a beginner. If you blast and cruise, meaning testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), it's a different story...because test levels never go down...