Any hope for assisting with fibrous gyno?


New member
Hello all,

I'm new here and looking for some help... I've had this fibrous gyno since puberty and for years, I've also never cycled before. It's about the size of a silver dollar underneath both nipples. It's not getting worse and not tender, but it is clearly noticeable and I'm literally becoming devastated by it's presence. I came across a few products all related to gyno prevention and reversal with steroid use. Primarily the products raloxifene, tamoxifen, and letrozole. I am under the impression that I have a vague and basic understanding of how these work, and it somewhat seems like I'm just SOL unless I somehow come across a few thousand for surgery. But if there is anyway to use these products to remove or even diminish my gyno in the slightest, I would greatly appreciate the advice.

I'm in pretty good athletic shape, have maintained myself for years and have remained consistent with dieting. If I lower my BF much more than where I am now (~13%) it is even more noticeable.

I understand already being gyno prone puts me even more at risk for it worsening with steroid use, other than the basics of winny and var, but what are some other options for effective steroids that won't convert into estrogen? I know nolva/clomid can help prevent it while on cycle with harsher ones, but I honestly am afraid to even risk it.