Any military been to, or presently in Guam...need to score pins


New member
Hey guys I'm heading over to Guam for work in a couple of wks and can't take my syringes/ pins with me for certain reasons.
I have rang a couple of pharmacies and none stock anything apart from insulin needles. How do you guys source them over there? There not illegal so I'm sure this post isn't breaking any rules.
Thanks in advance
Mail yourself some...have a buddies address, work address...etc.

Buddy up with a medic..find what one likes horse trade

Think bro..get creative...put em in checked bag s with a false bottom can of shaving cream

google beat tsa lol...toss a banana on the ground lol
if it's only a couple weeks you won't be needing more than a few pins... if you know where you're staying that makes it quite easy, just mail them there

other options are... put in checked baggage (shouldn't a problem), or just wing it and hope you can find something there (I'd go with one of the first two options)