Any objections?


New member
I am going to begin taking methadrol extreme. I have heard aot of great things about this product and I am well aware of it's harmful effects. I plan to do the stack that ironmaglabs suggested just to try it out. So im gonna take

Metha-Drol Extreme - Take 2 daily 1 in the am and 1 in the pm after I workout
Ultra Male Rx - Take one a day 1 in the mourning with food
Advanced Cycle Support Rx Take four daily 2 in the mourning with food and 2 at night after I workout

E-Control Rx 2 daily
Anabolic-Matrix Rx 2 daily
with protein powder to maintain some gains
If you want specific ingredients to each of these products here is the link

I am going to begin taking methadrol extreme. I have heard aot of great things about this product and I am well aware of it's harmful effects. I plan to do the stack that ironmaglabs suggested just to try it out. So im gonna take

Metha-Drol Extreme - Take 2 daily 1 in the am and 1 in the pm after I workout
Ultra Male Rx - Take one a day 1 in the mourning with food
Advanced Cycle Support Rx Take four daily 2 in the mourning with food and 2 at night after I workout

E-Control Rx 2 daily
Anabolic-Matrix Rx 2 daily
with protein powder to maintain some gains
If you want specific ingredients to each of these products here is the link


Do Not Take That! You said you just learned about pro hormones a month ago and this is your first cycle. Methadrol, which is a clone of Superdrol, is not a pro-hormone. it is a steroid. Shutdown will be severe and it's extremely taxing on the liver. You will lose all your gains if you do not take a SERM during post cycle therapy (pct), do you even know what a SERM is or what it does? You would also need to take Liv.52 while on something like that. You are far from ready to be on SD

Don't be an idiot and take this shit
Yah superdrol is VERY harsh, if your just learning about prohormones aka STEROIDs atleast start with something mild like epistane. Superdrol is fast gains but makes you feel like shit. Ran it before and wont ever mess with it again. I only mess with oils now. Just mho, oh and yes mlupi is correct seem is a must. 3 weeks in a 4 week cycle I had boys the size of grapes hanging around big shut down.
Well i want to take some sort of pro hormone since I have been working out intensively for 2 years no joke now I want more size but im a begginner with pro hormones. Do you guys recommend epistane then? If not then can someone recommend a beginner pro hormone.

My second option was taking hdrol at 50 -75 mgs for 4-6 weeks with a pct like Inhibit e with PCT Assist (competitive edge) and pes erase to block estrogen or is that stupid to
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you need a serm. its very clear you are a starting off. you have stupid, unhealthy oral cycles lined up that had some many sides its not even funny. and you have nothing to combat them.

read, learn, read more. ppl will help you once you have **some** base knowledge. your not there yet.
Aromatase Inhibitors
Blood pressure supplements
Liver protection
Cholesterol protection
Lethargy protection
Testosterone suppression from pro-hormones
Side effects of testosterone suppression (Low test)
Aromatase Inhibitors
Blood pressure supplements
Liver protection
Cholesterol protection
Lethargy protection
Testosterone suppression from pro-hormones
Side effects of testosterone suppression (Low test)

Ok so I did my homework on all of these things and aromatase inhibitors help block estrogen basicly. Bodybuilders take this to avoid estrogenic effects like gynecomastia (man boobs).If I was to take a really powerful steroid then I would use a SERM that can help with hypersensative tissue on my chest and with gynecomastia.
I also read up on testosterone supression and all of the supplements.I understand by taking Osta rx by ironmaglabs will activate my androgen receptors so I will decrease my size after im off it and I understand about testosterone supression and its side effects. This is why I intend to take nolvadex. I will also take liver protection (advance cycle support). Will I need anything else?
I also know understand why I should not take methadrol now. I also understand how powerful superdrol and halodrol are and tribulus
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I'd run the hdrol 6 weeks Max, preload 2 weeks with milkthistle and hawthorn Berry's, keep taking liver and BP sups, then run your cycle, I'd also supplement l-taurine, 1 day after last dose of hdrol, I'd start on some tamoxifen at 20/20/20/20 and I'd run a natty test booster as well throughout pct