Any point in tapering up anavar?


Knowledge is Power
Starting Anavar (var) Monday. Adding to my test e/eq cycle. I was going to do 30mg a day but I figured I've spent enough time energy & $$ on this cycle and I've never used Anavar (var) before so I'm real psyched to use it so I ordered some more so I can run 50mg a day. Point is I don't have it yet and will take a couple weeks to get. I'm afraid if I run 50 mg a day and my order gets delayed, it'll F up the whole thing. Would there be any benefit to starting at 30mg/day week 1 then 40mg/day week 2 then up to 50 week 3 on? I figure I can save some extra and avoid possibly running out incase the order is delayed at all and still get my body right. Does Anavar (var) work effectively if tapered like this? Don't wanna waste it I wanna get the most out of it plus the shit is pricey as hell...
No need to pyramid.....just pick one dose and stick with it.

I would like to issue is I planned on running 30 mg a day but just ordered some more so I can do 50mg a day. I have 1500 mg of var. If I run 50 a day and my order gets delayed I'm gonna be screwed waiting. Seems like I could avoid running short by starting lower for a week 1&2.
pyramiding leads to unstable blood concentration levels.
i would say stick with your ORIGINAL plan . Swim Started at 3 weeks 60 mg waited for the next batch had to cut back to 40mg sucked. Id do what Stone says.
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i would say stick with your plan . Swim Started at 3 weeks 60 mg waited for the next batch had to cut back to 40mg sucked. Id do what Stone says.

So you're saying I should "stick with my plan" but "do what stone says"? We said different things dude. Stone knows his shit no question but if you're gonna kiss ass at least have your opinion make sense.
I would like to issue is I planned on running 30 mg a day but just ordered some more so I can do 50mg a day. I have 1500 mg of var. If I run 50 a day and my order gets delayed I'm gonna be screwed waiting. Seems like I could avoid running short by starting lower for a week 1&2.

This plan you said yourself. That is why I told you of a similar situation of waiting and its problems. It seeems rather straight forward, sorry if you had trouble understanding it.
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This plan you said yourself. That is why I told you of a similar situation of waiting and its problems. It seeems rather straight forward, sorry if you had trouble understanding the logic behind it.

I got that loud and clear. I was actually glad to hear your response. But when u threw in the "I'd do what stone says" it threw me off. All he said was pick a dose and stick with it.
I got that loud and clear. I was actually glad to hear your response. But when u threw in the "I'd do what stone says" it threw me off. All he said was pick a dose and stick with it.

Yeah I can see what you mean thats why I edited the original msg. Are you gonna stack it with anything else?