any preventative techniques to reduce breakouts?


New member
Getting my routine squared away to start up a var cycle in a few weeks. The only negative I side that I always run into is, typically about 3-4 weeks in, I breakout badly! Not on the face, only back. No matter how much I shower or try using achne products, it doesn't seem to help. Granted, I also learned that the var that I have taken in the past, may have been subbed w winnie or possibly even dbol. Is it typical to break out badly from legit var? And does anyone have any good prevention or even treatment during mid cycle? Any input helps, I always appreciate the feedback I get here. Thanks guys!
I'm not a dude, I'm a chick- that's the reason I only run var. I'm almost hoping that my last cycles were fake var, hence the bad breakouts. I'm simply wondering if it's normal to breakout badly on var only And if there is anything anyone has used to help combat it
Ps I really have read the faqs, but I'm looking for personal experiences and advice, the technical knowledge aspect I do understand
Honestly theres fuck all you can do about steroid-induced acne (short of Accutane - which I am not recommending) but you can help prevent/treat it.

Shower 2-3x daily, exfoliate twice a week, zinc can help (you might want to check on zinc doses for women - men can handle a lot more zinc) plus a bunch of other OTC products... you could get a prescription cream from your doctor as well if you break out bad enough.

I think in short, if your last var was actually var, you'll more than likely get it again this time round.
Prince D, thanks for the info and I'll be hitting up a zinc supp after I research the rec,of dose for chicks. I knew dudes can handle a much a larger dose, and I know Its efficient in helping anemics but never knew it was a possible achne remedy. I appreciate the suggestions, thank you!
To the individual who negged me, would you care to explain how I was being a dick? It is posted in the wrong forum...
Tbonexl, seriously not being a smart ass... I only joined this site about a month ago but I assumed the anabolic steroid forum was appropriate since it's regarding an anabolic....let me know what would've been the correct forum to post if I'm mistaken
Zinc and B5 are the only ones I know of that are OTC and don't carry side effects if taken in reasonable doses. Austinite had a really good thread on acne control - complete with dosing.

I'm unfortunately unable to give personal insight as I'm not prone to acne, and I don't know any females that have experienced it from anavar in person.

If it's sebaceous oil induced acne (likely given the location), you may be having a histamine reaction to the impurities from the steroid seeping into your pores. You can try benadryl and see if it helps.

My .02c :)
Thanks Megatron, I'll be sure to mention that upfront. I've just noticed that I seem to get more responses on the AS forum VS the women's only.
Halfwit, that was extremely helpful. Gave me an entire avenue to research up on; the histamine angle. And the lead on the thread too. You rock!
Yea k, there's lots of kids that post about var cycles all the time. It gets frustrating. Too many members to know everyone's gender unless posted.
For what it's worth (a gym acquaintance mentioned), that using an anti-biotic that treats acne helped him, and I did notice his breakouts seemed a lot less severe.. Its one of those take it or leave it kind of suggestions
No I will def take it! Any feedback I get is always appreciated and I always take time to look into it. Do you known the antibiotic, just basically hydrocortisone but the script strength? Either way I can do some reading up on topicals but it just sucks to deal with with the embarrassing physical sides. Thanks Stewroids lol oh I meant chiseLED
No worries Mr T, the women's forum seems to have many less views and responses. My bad for not clarifying the details upfront, just didn't know
No I will def take it! Any feedback I get is always appreciated and I always take time to look into it. Do you known the antibiotic, just basically hydrocortisone but the script strength? Either way I can do some reading up on topicals but it just sucks to deal with with the embarrassing physical sides. Thanks Stewroids lol oh I meant chiseLED

If memory serves, Tetracycline is commonly used for acne. But I don't know a lot about it so do your homework first.
No I will def take it! Any feedback I get is always appreciated and I always take time to look into it. Do you known the antibiotic, just basically hydrocortisone but the script strength? Either way I can do some reading up on topicals but it just sucks to deal with with the embarrassing physical sides. Thanks Stewroids lol oh I meant chiseLED

Haha! Good one!
And I believe it is called bactrum, not certain if that's the brand name or the generic..