hmmmmm....never heard of this. Do you have a link to your findings?
Apparently s22 is a synonym for Ostarine. Not sure why my source recommends injecting though.
Apparently s22 is a synonym for Ostarine. Not sure why my source recommends injecting though.
We're having a christmas sale! 25% off, discount code in my sig!
Thanks, but I ended up ordering some Ostarine with the 30% discount. Going to run that with some IGF1-LR3 for a holiday recomp.
!!! Bro I ran that same stack about a year ago and adding the igf made it one hell of a recomp. Osta alone recomps great, but adding igf supercharged the cycle. I'd love to see the results from this.
But don't you need to take it with a carb filled meal, not sure I can eat that close to a workout and train comfortably without feeling bloated.
You can pin it anytime. It has a 24 hr life. You get the best pumps taking it preworkout. The bigger the pumps the better you will grow on it, it really emphasizes on exercise-induced hyperaemia. I've always used it with amazing results.
Cant using IGF cause you to not produce it naturally anymore? What are the dangers?
I've read that after 40 days you should cycle off for 30 days as the receptor sites become completely desensitized and all the IGF will go toward organ growth.