anyone calves lagging.. tell me


New member
tell me if enough peple want the solution i will post a technique/routine thAT DEFINALTY WORKS

i know from experience and i know cause i have tried it on many poeple
you will feel and know the difference

if you want bigger calves post up heaps here and i wil write it up
its information that i had payed for and i will give it to you guys for nothing

and guess what its only do under 5 minutes

Yeah I definitely need some work on the calves. Hook it up buddy!!
IMO, most people who complain of poor calf development either:

a) Totally neglect them entirely.

b) Use too much weight and poor form. The stretch is the most crucial element in calf training IMO.
but some poeple's calves are jsut a weakness-- and the weakness can get bigger but will always be behind .
my recent calf workouts suck because i bought nike shocks to work out in and the slip on the end of the ledge. i was thinking about doing them bear foot.
goku_kakarot77 said:
tell me if enough peple want the solution i will post a technique/routine thAT DEFINALTY WORKS

i know from experience and i know cause i have tried it on many poeple
you will feel and know the difference

if you want bigger calves post up heaps here and i wil write it up
its information that i had payed for and i will give it to you guys for nothing

and guess what its only do under 5 minutes


lol, just post the routine up instead of making people beg for shit.
mister69 said:
but some poeple's calves are jsut a weakness-- and the weakness can get bigger but will always be behind .

That's true. Everyone will not be able to build great calves due to genetic differences. Black people, for instance, are more apt to have high calves which are much harder to develop.

Still everyone can build a decent pair, it's just finding the right routine. I cannot emphasize enough how important the stretch is when training calves. I'll also fully stretch my calves in between sets.
then your shoes will be less damaged than it was before. lol! i do believe some shoes get fucked hard when doing calve works