Anyone convert Winstrol powder...need to know!!!


Man on a Mission
Need to know how difficult it is to make Winstrol from the powder. Need to make A DECISION AND FAST.
Also does it convert using oil?

All input greatly appreciated!

It is really easy to make a oral solution. I had the same question last week. I used everclear and it worked out fine.
sifu said:
It is really easy to make a oral solution. I had the same question last week. I used everclear and it worked out fine.

By oral u mean not injectable?

Do u have a link on how by any chance...i know im askin alot.


1g into 49ml of everclear will make 20mg per ml

So it is easy, put one gram of powder in a vial add the everclear, heat it up and shake. You will nedd to shake it up each time before dosing.
Winny is a bitch to work with. I tried to make an oral solution in 151 and it won't hold for the life of me. Next time I use Winstrol (winny), I'll but a cap-m-quik and make some 50mg caps instead. The oral solution crashes ED and even if I heat it up before use, there is still A LOT of crystals in it.

Some people have used PEG400 with oral Winstrol (winny) and had some success, you can try that.

Injectable Winstrol (winny) is also tough to do. There are some directions in the Chemical Forum I believe, if not, send me a PM and I will get them for you.

Good Luck
sifu said:
1g into 49ml of everclear will make 20mg per ml

So it is easy, put one gram of powder in a vial add the everclear, heat it up and shake. You will nedd to shake it up each time before dosing.

Are u sure this works?
Easto said:
Winny is a bitch to work with. I tried to make an oral solution in 151 and it won't hold for the life of me. Next time I use Winstrol (winny), I'll but a cap-m-quik and make some 50mg caps instead. The oral solution crashes ED and even if I heat it up before use, there is still A LOT of crystals in it.

Some people have used PEG400 with oral Winstrol (winny) and had some success, you can try that.

Injectable Winstrol (winny) is also tough to do. There are some directions in the Chemical Forum I believe, if not, send me a PM and I will get them for you.

Good Luck

This powder stuff is new to me and forgive my ignorance but what is PEG400?
And about the caps...u simply fill a capsule and it has 50mgs to it?
Sorry so many questions?
Greatly appreciate all the input.

PEG400 (Polyethylene Glycol 400)

from Skyefire:
Benzyl Alcohol is often the primary solvent and sometime the only solvent in a given formula. Its primary function is as a sterilizing agent. However, due to its solvency power it is often used to keep hormones in solution with oil or other vehicles. It is also one of the thinnest (that is best for viscosity reduction) The major drawback to this solvent is that it tends to make for painful injections if the concentration goes above 10%. (This is true for any low molecular weight alcohol). Less than this tends to be painless for most people.
Technical info: CAS # 100-51-6, Density is 1.05, Molecular weight is 108.14, Boiling point is 401f, Water solubility is 4.29g in 100ml.

Benzyl Benzoate is the next common solvent on the list. It is not nearly as strong and much heavier than the benzyl alcohol so benzyl benzoate is used primarily for its latent affects in the depot. Namely it helps keep the hormone in solution at the injection site after the more water-soluble benzyl alcohol has leached from the depot. benzyl benzoate is constructed of two benzene rings bridged by a carbonyl group, this making the solvent extremely hydrophobic. It is also painless at low levels and nearly painless at 15-20% for most people.
Technical info: CAS# 120-51-4, density is 1.11, Molecular Weight is 212.25 Boiling point is 614f, Water solubility is less then 1g in 100ml.

Propylene glycol is made ether from glycerol reacted with NaOH or from propylene reacted with chlorine and s carbonate. Hence it’s not very toxic. This sh*t is used for everything. It is one of the lightest polyhydric alcohols. Fairly polar solvent than can dissolve most any powder. Used as a co solvent for just about anything. Drawbacks include discomfort injecting at high levels and poor viscosity for the MW. Not the most compatable with oil.
Technical info: CAS# 57-55-6, Miscible in water. Specific Gravity:1.0361 boiling point 370f Molecular Weight is 76.1

Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is a polymer made for ethylene oxide. It comes in almost any MW, from 200 to 60,000. 400 to 12,000 are the most common with 400 the most common for liquids and 2,500 for solid. (Anything over 800 to 1,000 is a solid at room temp.) It is nontoxic at any reasonable level. It is nonpolar while having lots of hydroxyl functionality. This makes it great for getting things to stay soluble in oil. Used a lot for compatibility reasons. Can also be used as a painless vehicle, instead of oil. Drawbacks include high viscosity and thermoplastic tendencies becoming more pronounced at the higher MWs. Also has mechanical properties (surface tension) that cause it to separate from oil. This may become less pronounced at the higher MWs but I have not had a chance to test this at this time.
Technical info: CAS# 25322-68-3, Miscible in water at the lower MWs slowly decreasing as the MW goes up. Density: range: 1.1 to 1.2 (increases as molecular weight increases) Melting Point: Melting point increases as molecular weight increases: PEG 400 = 4-8C (39-46F) PEG 600 = 20-25C (68-77F) PEG1500 = 44-48C (111-118F)

Glycerol is glycerin and via versa. The first is a lab term and the second an industrial term. It is the binding component of fat, which is fat is one molecule of glycerol and 3 fatty acid chains. It is not a great solvent for the home brewer for a couple of reason. First and foremost do not inject glycerol undiluted. It is a strong dehydrogenating agent and can cause ruptures in cells. (OUCH) Oral it can even be taken as a diuretic. The second is that it is a very viscous solvent. It’s hard to thin. Can be used as a vehicle instead of oil.
Technical info: CAS# 56-81-5, Specific Gravity is 1.26, boiling point is 554f, Miscible in water, and has a Molecular Weight of 92.1

If you want to make caps you will need:
- powder
- some type of filler (corn starch perhaps)
- cap-m-quik
Easto said:
PEG400 (Polyethylene Glycol 400)

from Skyefire:
Benzyl Alcohol is often the primary solvent and sometime the only solvent in a given formula. Its primary function is as a sterilizing agent. However, due to its solvency power it is often used to keep hormones in solution with oil or other vehicles. It is also one of the thinnest (that is best for viscosity reduction) The major drawback to this solvent is that it tends to make for painful injections if the concentration goes above 10%. (This is true for any low molecular weight alcohol). Less than this tends to be painless for most people.
Technical info: CAS # 100-51-6, Density is 1.05, Molecular weight is 108.14, Boiling point is 401f, Water solubility is 4.29g in 100ml.

Benzyl Benzoate is the next common solvent on the list. It is not nearly as strong and much heavier than the benzyl alcohol so benzyl benzoate is used primarily for its latent affects in the depot. Namely it helps keep the hormone in solution at the injection site after the more water-soluble benzyl alcohol has leached from the depot. benzyl benzoate is constructed of two benzene rings bridged by a carbonyl group, this making the solvent extremely hydrophobic. It is also painless at low levels and nearly painless at 15-20% for most people.
Technical info: CAS# 120-51-4, density is 1.11, Molecular Weight is 212.25 Boiling point is 614f, Water solubility is less then 1g in 100ml.

Propylene glycol is made ether from glycerol reacted with NaOH or from propylene reacted with chlorine and s carbonate. Hence it’s not very toxic. This sh*t is used for everything. It is one of the lightest polyhydric alcohols. Fairly polar solvent than can dissolve most any powder. Used as a co solvent for just about anything. Drawbacks include discomfort injecting at high levels and poor viscosity for the MW. Not the most compatable with oil.
Technical info: CAS# 57-55-6, Miscible in water. Specific Gravity:1.0361 boiling point 370f Molecular Weight is 76.1

Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is a polymer made for ethylene oxide. It comes in almost any MW, from 200 to 60,000. 400 to 12,000 are the most common with 400 the most common for liquids and 2,500 for solid. (Anything over 800 to 1,000 is a solid at room temp.) It is nontoxic at any reasonable level. It is nonpolar while having lots of hydroxyl functionality. This makes it great for getting things to stay soluble in oil. Used a lot for compatibility reasons. Can also be used as a painless vehicle, instead of oil. Drawbacks include high viscosity and thermoplastic tendencies becoming more pronounced at the higher MWs. Also has mechanical properties (surface tension) that cause it to separate from oil. This may become less pronounced at the higher MWs but I have not had a chance to test this at this time.
Technical info: CAS# 25322-68-3, Miscible in water at the lower MWs slowly decreasing as the MW goes up. Density: range: 1.1 to 1.2 (increases as molecular weight increases) Melting Point: Melting point increases as molecular weight increases: PEG 400 = 4-8C (39-46F) PEG 600 = 20-25C (68-77F) PEG1500 = 44-48C (111-118F)

Glycerol is glycerin and via versa. The first is a lab term and the second an industrial term. It is the binding component of fat, which is fat is one molecule of glycerol and 3 fatty acid chains. It is not a great solvent for the home brewer for a couple of reason. First and foremost do not inject glycerol undiluted. It is a strong dehydrogenating agent and can cause ruptures in cells. (OUCH) Oral it can even be taken as a diuretic. The second is that it is a very viscous solvent. It’s hard to thin. Can be used as a vehicle instead of oil.
Technical info: CAS# 56-81-5, Specific Gravity is 1.26, boiling point is 554f, Miscible in water, and has a Molecular Weight of 92.1

If you want to make caps you will need:
- powder
- some type of filler (corn starch perhaps)
- cap-m-quik learning any more input welcome.
5g of Winstrol (winny) and 45ml of everclear will make 100mg/ml oral suspension. shake well and draw off appr. dosage with syringe. add to fav beverage or squirt in mouth and chase with water. occasionally it may stick to sides of vial so heat til it clears, let cool a bit and dose. very simple and effective. I have to admit of all the hormones I have converted to IM Winstrol (winny) has given me the most trouble. Oral is much simpler and effective.
stanozolol solutions have been the toughest for me, but thanks to some assistance from Harvey Balboner, I have two working recipes.

For oil @ 50mg/ml

10% Supersolvent (Mr.T)

Has not crashed in 4 days. Painless injection.

For PEG400 @ 50mg/ml


Has not crashed in 4 days. Have not yet injected..
ld50 said:
stanozolol solutions have been the toughest for me, but thanks to some assistance from Harvey Balboner, I have two working recipes.

For oil @ 50mg/ml

10% Supersolvent (Mr.T)

Has not crashed in 4 days. Painless injection.

For PEG400 @ 50mg/ml


Has not crashed in 4 days. Have not yet injected..

howe thick is the solution using the peg400 as a carrier? let me know if it is painful as well. if not 100mg/ml may work. keep me posted.
It is definately thick. I'll find out tomorrow if I can get it through a 25g. I don't have anything bigger on hand right now. From what I understand it should be painless.
ld50 said:
It is definately thick. I'll find out tomorrow if I can get it through a 25g. I don't have anything bigger on hand right now. From what I understand it should be painless.

if you heat it a little first it will flow much easier. heat til the bottle is hot to the touch. lowers viscosity. keep me posted. I had seen this recipe before but hadnt talked to anyone that had used it.
Ok, first off let me say that I tested the PEG400 Winstrol (winny) Solution by itself at room temp through a 25g and it flowed fine. I then preloaded 1cc Winstrol (winny) with a 50/50 oil mix of tren/prop (2cc total). Shook it well, then let it go. Flowed more slowly then oil, but it was a negligible difference. I have a nice knot from 2cc in the calf, but no more pain then I get from the tren/prop.

I would say that the PEG400 mix is easier to make then oil, but I like to preload a few weeks of syringes, so the oil mix is more practicle. The only thing I don't like about the oil mix is Mr. Ts Supersolvent. It fumes up the house pretty bad even with all the windows and doors open on a breezy day. Takes about 24hrs for odor to leave. I also noticed the smell/taste after injection, kinda like you get when you use fina pellets to make tren.

All that said I will be sticking to oil for future batches.
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