New winny thread. let the old one die.

27 hours and the 55% (157mg/ml) is holding. still gonna be only 7 ml or so oil in 20ml. if i make it 50mg/ml itll be 27ml of oil roughly. thatt'll put the peg at 27.5%. not bad but its 50mg/ml in oil. 75mg/ml would be 41% peg. thats not too bad.

I still dont like the idea of straight peg for IM. i read up on it and its supposed to be safe but its freakin glycol. just sounds nasty. well at least you wont overheat or freeze up.
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40 hours and the 157mg/ml is still holding. we'll see. now my clo crashed in straight EC at 100mg/ml. i heated it for about a minute on the hot plate and it cleared up quickly. go figure.
nope i emailed them 3 times. i call tomorrow.

51 hours and the 157mg/ml V is still holding. still not thickening up or anything. we'll know in a few days. my dern Winstrol (winny) 100 in straight peg is crystalizing a bit though. phooey.
well my 157mg/ml Winstrol (winny) started crystalizing a few hours shy of 72 hours. hell my 100mg/ml in straight peg is crystalizing slightly.

anyhow i added enough oil to make it 100mg/ml. so 55% peg, 36% oil and 9% Winstrol (winny).

i am tired of messing with it so we'll see what happens. i may bump it down to 75mg/ml and see what happens but that'll be it.

let us know how the water base Tne turns out doug.

i cant get le melange to answer the phone or an email.
pullinbig said:
well my 157mg/ml Winstrol (winny) started crystalizing a few hours shy of 72 hours. hell my 100mg/ml in straight peg is crystalizing slightly.

anyhow i added enough oil to make it 100mg/ml. so 55% peg, 36% oil and 9% Winstrol (winny).

i am tired of messing with it so we'll see what happens. i may bump it down to 75mg/ml and see what happens but that'll be it.

let us know how the water base Tne turns out doug.

i cant get le melange to answer the phone or an email.
Will do pb. lemelange has horrible communication, but hey they give you a free lolipop with each order! :p