Anyone convert Winstrol powder...need to know!!!

ld50 said:
Ok, first off let me say that I tested the PEG400 Winstrol (winny) Solution by itself at room temp through a 25g and it flowed fine. I then preloaded 1cc Winstrol (winny) with a 50/50 oil mix of tren/prop (2cc total). Shook it well, then let it go. Flowed more slowly then oil, but it was a negligible difference. I have a nice knot from 2cc in the calf, but no more pain then I get from the tren/prop.

I would say that the PEG400 mix is easier to make then oil, but I like to preload a few weeks of syringes, so the oil mix is more practicle. The only thing I don't like about the oil mix is Mr. Ts Supersolvent. It fumes up the house pretty bad even with all the windows and doors open on a breezy day. Takes about 24hrs for odor to leave. I also noticed the smell/taste after injection, kinda like you get when you use fina pellets to make tren.

All that said I will be sticking to oil for future batches.

why do you preload a bunch of syringes? also you dont need super solvent for tren or prop. ba and bb will work. the peg400 carrier sounds good to me. I am going to order some peg400 today and try it out when it comes in. thanks for your replies. calves? ewwwww you a better man than me. I am a pec, delt and glute man.
pullinbig said:
why do you preload a bunch of syringes?

It only takes 15 minutes to preload 20-30 syringes, as apposed to trying to draw out .5cc of tren, then .5cc of prop, then 1 cc of whinny or whatever else I am shooting at the same time. The way I do it is to use three 20cc syringes w/ 18g pins and fill each with 10cc or whatever i need. then I pull off one pin from say, the prop, and stick the pin from the tren in and mix the two. Now I have 20cc of 50/50 tren/prop. That took maybe three minutes. Then I front load one cc of the mix into each 3cc pin. That took maybe 10 minutes. If I have a third hormone, I would have just added it to the mix. When I go to inject in the morning, it is all ready for me and it takes two minutes and I am done. Use sterile pins and syringes and you have nothing to wory about. I haven't had any issues in 4 years since I started preloading.

also you dont need super solvent for tren or prop. ba and bb will work.

That is true. I only use super s for whinny. For short esters I use 5%ba and 15%bb

the peg400 carrier sounds good to me. I am going to order some peg400 today and try it out when it comes in. thanks for your replies. calves? ewwwww you a better man than me. I am a pec, delt and glute man.

I have always had issues with delts. For some reason I always bruise. Calves have been very easy for me. Great access, just watch out for nerves and veins, go slow, and massage.

ld50 said:

thanks for your replies. interesting on trhe preloading. I heat everything every time so it wont be practical for me but it looks good other than that.

is the peg400 Winstrol (winny) still feeling ok? i need to make it 100mg/ml to reduce volume so i'll try and see what happens. thanks once again
It is no more sore than any other prop shot I have done. I have a decent knot right now, but I don't normaly go over 1.5cc in the calf, and today i did 2. I would wager to say that it is close to painles on its own.

Let me know how the 100mg works, because I would love to cut the volume as well.
the peg400 Winstrol (winny) at 50mg/ml is painless 30 hours after inject of 2ml. i'll give it a full 48 hours before trying to make it 100mg/ml. sometimes these hormones can have a delayed effect. 4adne is the worst. takes two days to hit ya then wham, crippled all up for a week or so at higher concentrations.
hey anyone ever use the 5grm kit from mr-t and does he have a 10grm kit for Winstrol (winny) i always buy 10grms at a time i don't want to buy 2 5grm kits or 5 1 gram ones, will his 10 Gram U100 Kit work for Winstrol (winny), or should i buy elsewhere or do the peg way?