New winny thread. let the old one die.

well the 200mg/ml is holding several hours later and has not thickened up. looks promising for Winstrol (winny) 100mg/ml with 40% peg. i'll give it a few more days before the verdict is in. if it holds i'll add the oil and fiter.

i wish now i had went 250mg/ml just to see but i was tired of playing with something i normally wont do anyway. the oral is simplier but being the mad scientist is kinda OK.

the Winstrol (winny) 350 is gonna work for making water based 100mg/ml no prob. that will be 20% peg, 1.5-2% ps80, 1-2% ba and bac water. i think adding the ba to the winny/peg before filtering will work to give more volume, less concentration. it will be in the final suspension wether you put it in the water or the winny/peg mixture.

any thoughts on that?
oh i will be placing an order for ps80 today. as soon as it arrives i'll try some water based 100mg/ml. i'll let you know on that as well.

i hav'nt done any water V in a couple of years or longer. it'll be like old times.
pullinbig said:
well the 200mg/ml is holding several hours later and has not thickened up. looks promising for Winstrol (winny) 100mg/ml with 40% peg. i'll give it a few more days before the verdict is in. if it holds i'll add the oil and fiter.

i wish now i had went 250mg/ml just to see but i was tired of playing with something i normally wont do anyway. the oral is simplier but being the mad scientist is kinda OK.

the Winstrol (winny) 350 is gonna work for making water based 100mg/ml no prob. that will be 20% peg, 1.5-2% ps80, 1-2% ba and bac water. i think adding the ba to the winny/peg before filtering will work to give more volume, less concentration. it will be in the final suspension wether you put it in the water or the winny/peg mixture.

any thoughts on that?

so you are filtering the hormone/p400/ps80/ba, then runing the water through the filter afterwards? that makes sense to me.
OK. Monday I am going to increase my solution to 35%p400, and add a little powder to keep it at 100mg/ml.
ld50 said:
so you are filtering the hormone/p400/ps80/ba, then runing the water through the filter afterwards? that makes sense to me.

no actually i was gonna run the water/ps80 thru a .22, then filter in the mixture thru a .45. this is per T's instructs. but after thinking that one out i may hold off on the ba and use it to rince the filter after the mixture goes thru. that sounds better to me. cause at 350mg/ml we dont want to leave anything in there. :rolleyes:

what you guys think about that?
btw 10 hours or so and V 200 has not thickened any and is still clear as a bell.

gymphreek can youy host some pics for me?
2% BA
15% BB

works like a charm, I make 1000mL at a time with no issues. Winstrol (winny) in oil does not work. Water based is the wave oif the future.
Miracle-Man said:
2% BA
15% BB

works like a charm, I make 1000mL at a time with no issues. Winstrol (winny) in oil does not work. Water based is the wave oif the future.

winny in oil does work. been doing it for a few years now. but we are going back to water if you like IMing that stuff. and we finding at what ratio peg will hold for oil.
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Pics of PB's Winstrol (winny) and Clomid!!


winny 200 and clo 100. if the Winstrol (winny) holds a few more days i'll add the oil. 40% peg with oil to make 100mg/ml.