As above I am thinking of doing just hgh as I have had my fair share of test cycles and since now me and the wife are tryin for a baby think it as to be just hgh cycle for me just want to see if any one had any good progress on just hgh
It will not raise your testosterone level very much. Doesn't seem worth doing it to me. Don't forget that hCG is HPTA suppressive as well and can cause intratesticular aromatization.
I have not used HGH, but everyone says you need to run a lot of it for at least a year to get any benefit from it. There are some recent threads on this subject that you could check out.
Doctor told me not to use steroids of trying for a baby with my wife as if kills sperm so my plan was to run the growth till she is preg then I wil hit the test again
As above I am thinking of doing just hgh as I have had my fair share of test cycles and since now me and the wife are tryin for a baby think it as to be just hgh cycle for me just want to see if any one had any good progress on just hgh
I would personally save that money your going to spend on HGH and wait tell you can combine HGH and testosterone. The synergistic effect of the two combined is what makes the HGH shine from my understanding. Also if I where you id research about having a kid while on HGH. I haven't heard anything bad about it but you never know. I think when it comes to having a kid you would be better off not being on anything like HGH or steroids. Their are pro's who have kids while on cycle and regular users who have kids on cycle but I would still say its best to be all natural while trying to have a kid unless your doctor has prescribed you with something to take.
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