Anyone ever hurt themselves using steriods?

When I was cycling I always recovered even on extended cycles. IT when I moved to TRT that I started have issues with ejaculate. Then elevated blood pressure. My BLood pressure was so High I was feeling pressure on my heart. I know of a few who never recovered for cycling. This stuff isn't worth your long term health. I here people running cycles of 600mg of this with 500mg of that and I shake my head because the body can't use it all and it just reaks havoc on the body.
both my ac joints are shot from heavy benching thanks to my powerlifting days while on gear... also have knee issues.. nothing other than that
Had high blood pressure for too long before finally getting on BP meds, got gyno from deca which I just maintain and keep from growing now, lots of acne which I got cleared up but left with a lot of scars which are now fading, rotator cuff and lower back injuries from strength increases and heavy lifting, stretch marks from growing too fast, ED issues (have to use viagra and cialis but already do because of anti-d's)...thats all I can think of. I take as many precautions as I can for my health now but I must admit I'm still young and stupid in some ways.
I may or may not have torn my Achilles tendon while on cycle in the elite gymnastics competitive scene. Then again I don't think even a 190lbs+ man is meant to be doing multiple flips and spins in the air.
I am pretty sure that if you cycle properly and don't overdo the heavy weight and eat right you'll be just fine and get the look you desire. Hell, I imagine all the pizza, beer and unhealthy body fat have done more to me that mild steroids will ever do. It would be interesting to know which is worse, shitty lifestyle and body fat or clean lifestyle and roids. Any ideas?
Renal failure, torn groin muscle, slight tear in tricep. That's about it. The renal failure was a cumulative thing from AAS and also a bad lifestyle.
There are always risks. You have to try to take calculated risks and determine if the risk is worth the reward. I haven't had any crazy issues. Had a little gyno before, elevated liver values and high blood pressure. I have controlled all 3. I think the key to my success has been moderation. I have done considerably less than most guys doing AAS. I am in the mentality that more isn't better. I have run a long cycle before but most have been smaller cycles and nothing too crazy. Don't touch many orals and usually just blast my TRT dose up and focus on diet and training which should be the foundation for all guys.
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It should be foundation FOR ALL GUYS!
There are always risks. You have to try to take calculated risks and determine if the risk is worth the reward. I haven't had any crazy issues. Had a little gyno before, elevated liver values and high blood pressure. I have controlled all 3. I think the key to my success has been moderation. I have done considerably less than most guys doing AAS. I am in the mentality that more is better. I have a long cycle before but most have been smaller cycles and nothing too crazy. Don't touch many orals and usually just blast my TRT dose up and focus on diet and training which should be the foundation for most guys.