Anyone here had gyno surgery?


New member
Looking for someone that has had there gyno removed with surgery or just someone that knows enough about it.

I have had large nipples my whole life and some gyno from puberty. Then I started cycling aas and dbol totally and completely fucked me up! I was taking Arimidex and one of the lumps still got to about a strawberry size. Took so letro and got it down some but still about the size of a grape.

This has caused some self esteem issues with me taking my shirt off and with all the hard work I put into my body I want to be proud of it! So I have now justified getting surgery to have it removed.

The part I am worried the most about is if the gyno will return. If I am paying 4-5 thousand dollars I want it to be a permanent solution. Is there anything the dr. can do to keep this from happening? Is it less likely to happen again since there's not as much gland there? And finally can the dr. do a nipple reduction at the same time?
i believe the only way to ensure that it doesnt come back is to have the doc completely remove the gland. Some will just cut out the fat and breast tissue and leave the gland which will just lead to it coming back if you keep cycling.
Why wouldn't they just remove the gland then?? I want everything gone! If they can kill all the nerves in that area I'd do that too. I never want to feel sensitive, painful, or itchy nips again! Always been extremely sensitive to estrogen in my nipples and I want it gone for good. This has haunted me for too long!
Seriously nobody else can help me out here? I thought this was a common thing in this community?

90% of the cases you read about are internet hysteria. guys pull / poke / prod their nips constantly because they read about gyno on the boards until their nips get sore and then they think they have gyno.
ive actually had guys pm / email me their 1st day on cycle and they KNOW FOR A FACT they allready have full blown gyno lol.

for the FEW who actually have a lot of trouble with gyno , i feel bad for you .
Yea man it really blows! It's enough of a self esteem killer that my cheap ass is willing to spend thousands of dollars to get it gone. But if I'm paying for it I want the piece of mind that it's gone for good! I guess all I can do from here is get the consultation
Yea man it really blows! It's enough of a self esteem killer that my cheap ass is willing to spend thousands of dollars to get it gone. But if I'm paying for it I want the piece of mind that it's gone for good! I guess all I can do from here is get the consultation

for future reference its important to taper letro down to avoid estrogen rebound.
The reason docs often leave part of the gland in is because if you remove the whole thing, you might end up with an inverted nipple, or what looks like a dented in nipple. If you were to go get gyno surgery, I would discuss this in detail with your surgeon.
I have gyno which came to me during puberty and I have been carrying it around for many years now. I planned surgery but did not proceed with it for some of my own reasons.
Anyway if you want to know more about gyno then I recommend you go to (IDK if its against forum rules to quote other sites or not. Sorry if it is) you will find lot of info and people there on there forum who are dealing with gyno. That will help you to decide whether you need surgery or not.
Shit I'd take a dented looking nipple over this shit any day! I feel like I've got enough muscle in my chest to push it out lol.
I've had surgery.

Its going to be your only option by the sounds of it.

Id recomend getting your full glands removed, if your surgeon gives you bullshit and says he can't because of the risk of your nipple going inverted take the risk, one of my nipples went inverted for a month but it came back out.

I never had the full gland removed and i still suffer from gyno symtoms every cycle i run and i have to jump on letro to combat it and reduce the size, bit of a nighmare.

You will find when the gland is removed your nipples will look smaller.
No it wont.

Aromasin may prevent it, but it wont reduce it. If your wanting to reduce gyno then you need letro, it won't fully remove the gyno, but it might make the lump smaller by a good percentage.

Aromasin does nothing for me. Last cycle i was only on 500mg weekly of test e and i ran 25mg daily of aromasin and guess what.. Gyno flare up! Probably grew 6x what it was, but the letro brought it back down to a small lump! I only suffer on one side, so im guessing all the gland was removed from the other.
Thanks for the info Long! But god damnit I swear if I get these fuckers out and it comes back I might take a razor to it! I don't ever wunna go through this again. I was also wanting the nipple size reduced too. This can be done at the same time right?

Also How long was it till you could workout again? I know you can't do chest workouts for a while but I need to be in the gym. It's an addiction lol
For those of you that had it done, what was the recovery time? Do you go to a plastic surgeon for this or just a standard surgeon?