Anyone out there? I need help with something


New member
I need some help from a professional. Just message me please and I'll let you know what I'm looking for. Thanks.
why don't you post it here where everyone will reply and it'll give u a better understand of whatever it is you are trying to find? someone can mess with you in a PM and give u wrong info thinking u r a troll, unless if its something we'd rather not know :P

divorcing your wife in MS does not mean she s not still ur sister.

FKN Alabama folk s are so darn pig headed
Well I'm new to this I'm not sure how it all works. I'm just looking for supplies and need help finding it. I'm desperate for help

Bud hang around the forum and do some reading. Make productive posts and eventually someone will pm you info. We would like to know more about you first too.

Training history

Relax man you are coming off as obsessive right now lol
I'm 25
5' 7"
Was 174 with 8-10% body fat 5 months ago but now I'm 186 with some where around 15% body fat
I've been working out for a year
You don't need a source until you've learned everything u can about AAS.
Post up your first cycle plans,, let's see what your thinking
bro look at the thread of my arms i made. if u want to get big u gotta work for it. dont find a easy way out
you can write more than 1 or 2 sentences for every post you make. your coming off as only wanting to jump your post count higher and higher. like many of the others have said above, browse the forums, many of these guys know exactly what they're talking about! use the search feature too, as it'll prove to be very good on finding information.