Anyone really know what the pros are using?

DrJMW said:
No antiestrogens? No antiprogesterone/prolactins? Wonder what his liver and kidney profile looks like? Wonder if he is rapidly becoming insulin resistent? Lipid Profile? No recovery cycle? He obviously has great genetics if his blood testing comes back normal. Hopefully his rewards are far greater than the risks.

Nolva on hand during bulkers. Thats it. Come time for shows I know he goes heavy on the adex. He used to have a local doctor doing his bloodwork all the time and doing the script thing as well but unfortunately that Doctor passed away a couple years ago. So if he is getting blood work done since then, I wouldnt know because I havent talked to him about it.
BiggieSwolls said:
Well, I am buddies with an NPC Nationals competitor in the light-heavy division and his bulking cycle was exactly this:

1000 mg/wk of Cyp
750 mg/wk of Omna
600 mg/wk of Deca
45 mg/day of Dbol
6 IU's/day of GH 4 days a week
Slin post workout.

He's about 5'6" and in the offseason he gets up around 240-250 pounds. Crazy strong. Flat benches 5 plates. Come time for the show, he comes in at 187-190. He has had some very good amateur success and is still pretty young at 28 years old.

I think all is true and it is a mistake to think they have some secret weapon. Biggie has Levrone for an avatar. Look at him during the off time a far cry from what he looks like around a contest. One more comment that aint no cycle for a novice ......................................