Anyone take an other Medications? Just Curious...

been prescribed anti anxiety medications since i was around 18. i dont take them every day, but i am usually very hard on myself and get into my head a lot. that can be a bad thing in my line of work so whenever i feel some sort of way i take them.

btw, this stuff happens on and off gear, with any compound at any dosage.
What type of concussion was it?

Hi, sorry I didnt receive or notice your question regarding my concussion. I'm not positive of the exact type but it was severe as I was pulling a drunk driver out of his car window as he wasnt co-operatring, and as I had him coming out, his hagg of a wife stepped on the gas pedal and he and I both were airborne and landed on pavement. I had no recollection of anything after I hit my head but I did manage to handcuff the guy and he was out cold when my back-up arrived. I had his wife on the ground pushing her face into a snowbank when back-up got there. I have no recollection of anything after starting to pull him out of the car, and I was a year in a dark room as I couldnt stand the light of day or even a tv on. The came the opiates when the doctor couldnt help me and he just kept piling them on me until I was basically a fried junkie working as a police officer on oxy and fentanyl patches, driving around with a gun and taser and puking outside of the car while I drove around more stoned than the people I had to arrest. Workers Compensation gave me 3 months and said that was their "set recovery time" which probably isnt a surprise to anyone as they are real fucking assholes. Anyway, I eventually took an early retirement package and went through the hellish withdrawls when I got angry and threw them all in the garbage and went cold turkey. I didnt realize I should have died the doctor said from a seizure or just shock to my system, but I stuck with it. I was awake for 6 days straight when I stopped the meds. It was hell and i wouldnt wish that on my worst enemy honestly. I'm still on sleep meds and benzos but would like to come off both eventually, especially the benzo as a start. Do you have any suggestions that werent mentioned? I did see 3 different neurologists and a specialist that also worked with Sydney Crosby and his concussion. Headaches are still lingering but not like they were. I'm open to any ideas? :)