Anyone tried Nandrolone / Deca as TRT?


New member
I'm back on TRT now because was making test (result following in 2 weeks) and I have had exreme bad sides from very low Testo.
I don't like a too high libido and try to use Deca as hormone for TRT, because it has a big improvement on health, on muscles but nearly no androgenic action, what would be good.
Three days after first injection my health is back very fast and I feel very good. But, my sex drive now is extremely high and also erections are very powerful since yesterday.
Urgs... the wanted goal is the opposite! o.O
Hoping this is temporary! :rolleyes2

Anyone with experiences in using Deca only here.
Why bad idea?
What I have said, androgenic effects are not wanted really.
To lower that and stay healthy is my goal and hope to read more about this benefits.
I've read for AIDS patients it is a very good route so it supports the immune system very very good.

On testo I was producing much E2 and had to take much AI what should be also better on Deca, because the rate of aromastase is only 20% of them with T. ... hopefully.

I try to find out the positives and negatives of using Deca for TRT.
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your body needed and uses androgens... trt is to replace low T levels which means use test. if your estro was high then split up injections and/or lower dose.

what was your hrt? how much test and how often and when did you have bloods taken?
deca with no test as a hrt is not a good option IMO, its not just about muscle its about many functions in the body...
some add a little deca to their hrt, thats debatable, but deca only as hrt is not a good option.
Was on 100mg per week Test. Enanthate subcutan. T. levels were good and stable only E2 was a bit high because I have a bit more bodyfat, what is no good thing for low E2.
Had to use 12mg aromasin per day for optimal level but very instable over the day.
So I try Deca now and will see, what it can do for me. Generally to lower DHT with it could help me with other health issues... only a try out. ;)

After 3days now after first Deca injection my healthstatus is extreme improved now... wow, what an effect against too low level of T. over weeks.
At the moment wt works great! :)

Anywhere here is my thread about it... ;)
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Was on 100mg per week Test. Enanthate subcutan. T. levels were good and stable only E2 was a bit high because I have a bit more bodyfat, what is no good thing for low E2.
Had to use 12mg aromasin per day for optimal level but very instable over the day.
So I try Deca now and will see, what it can do for me. Generally to lower DHT with it could help me with other health issues... only a try out. ;)

After 3days now after first Deca injection my healthstatus is extreme improved now... wow, what an effect against too low level of T. over weeks.
At the moment wt works great! :)

Anywhere here is my thread about it... ;)

let us know in a coupel months...
maybe you would have done better with 75mg ew. lower body fat etc. going this rout IS NOT the way and you will see that soon if you keep going this way... but wish you luck and keep us updated....
you dont seem to want to listen to reason so... not much else I can say
Yes, I wouldn't do it very long, but 10 weeks I think, if it is't problematic for me. I will see, how it will bee... ;)
If it's going bad I'll switch to T..
Yes, could be 75mg ew is better route. I'll test it if I'm back on T. Enanthate.

It's only a try and also hoping it will cure my joints a bit because I have problems with my neck.
Honestly, the thing that absolutely killed my libido on TRT (w test) was letrozole.
if that's what you are after (decreasing libido) maybe lower E2 is a better idea.
Yes, to lower the libido and stay healthy is the goal.
Yes, low E2 is also a way but think it has more bay sides then lower DHT.
After a long ill period with low T. now my health status while on deca is incredible good ad time and I hope it will keep on so... :)
I'm back on TRT now because was making test (result following in 2 weeks) and I have had exreme bad sides from very low Testo.
I don't like a too high libido and try to use Deca as hormone for TRT, because it has a big improvement on health, on muscles but nearly no androgenic action, what would be good.
Three days after first injection my health is back very fast and I feel very good. But, my sex drive now is extremely high and also erections are very powerful since yesterday.
Urgs... the wanted goal is the opposite! o.O
Hoping this is temporary! :rolleyes2

Anyone with experiences in using Deca only here.

First I'd like to say that I love nandrolone and I think it's an awesome derivative; if not the best of testosterone. I too suffer from androgenic side effects (I break out and I'm relatively estrogen prone or have been in the past, even at very low [<10%] body fat. I attest this mostly too poor diet in my case; which is corrected now) Finally because I am in a long distance relationship and travel often I too can relate to a very high libido being more of a burden than a blessing.

The issue with Nandrolone only for HRT is that your quality of life will degrade ... eventually. I realize you feel great now but this is only a couple days into it and not enough time to really feel the effects of only running nandrolone.

1)What androgenic side effects specifically are you trying to avoid?

2)What is your source (PLEASE DONT GIVE A SPECIFIC SOURCE. But is this prescribed or UGL)? I ask because it is very possible if it is a UGL that it is incorrectly dosed or has other compounds in it that should not be. This means there are unknown variables. Blood work would be very useful... I'm a little unclear, in your original post "results following in 2 weeks" do you mean your blood work or your testing a home brewed testosterone?

From what I've read so far... I feel that possibly running a very low dose of testosterone to still have the overall quality of life it yields and then run the nandrolone for your physique enhancement/bridging the gap of the low testosterone dose.
Something like:
50mg of testosterone weekly
125-150mg of nandrolone weekly

I like to have hcg because this mimics LH which is suppressed by being on trt. LH may no longer be important to stimulate the testes while on a testosterone but it has other purposes besides stimulating the testes to produce testosterone in means of well being and general health.

Good luck!
Go get some ment its the only other form of aas that can be substituted for test and is currently being used in very low doses as a form of male birth control and is also a 19nor derivative of nan

As you have been told you can't substitute test with deca it doesn't work that way if you want the added bonus just run low test low deca and you saying you feel great after your first few pins means nothing the deca hasn't even had a quarter of the time it needs to get started working so you feeling good is nothing more than a placebo effect.
Not to mention the negative issues with your heart and your blood will be as thick as motor oil running deca as hrt for years at a time.
Don't think it isn't possible to use Deca for HRT over very long time. I know that and I agree with that point.
For me it's a try to lower my overhelming libido. When I'm using only Testo it is really high and bad for my lifequality. :(
So I looking forward what can Deca for me and also any weeks are a help and like holidays for me.

The test I was doin after a longer phase with no TRT because my doc will see, what are my natural levels. He can't help me without this information. This was a very bad time with so low testo and I was very often very ill over this time. Also heavy nightsweating and hotflashes ... brrrr! Only my libido wasn't affected :( only a bit ED I was the effect on me.
Also problems with skin I hope to cure with it what also could be testo related. I will see... ;)

Yes, that sounds good:
50mg of testosterone weekly
125-150mg of nandrolone weekly
... or lower.
I think i'll do it so in any weeks. :)

At time all seems to be ok with me and in opposite to nearly no T. I have to say wow! ;)
Don't think it isn't possible to use Deca for HRT over very long time. I know that and I agree with that point.
For me it's a try to lower my overhelming libido. When I'm using only Testo it is really high and bad for my lifequality. :(
So I looking forward what can Deca for me and also any weeks are a help and like holidays for me.

The test I was doin after a longer phase with no TRT because my doc will see, what are my natural levels. He can't help me without this information. This was a very bad time with so low testo and I was very often very ill over this time. Also heavy nightsweating and hotflashes ... brrrr! Only my libido wasn't affected :( only a bit ED I was the effect on me.
Also problems with skin I hope to cure with it what also could be testo related. I will see... ;)

Yes, that sounds good:
50mg of testosterone weekly
125-150mg of nandrolone weekly
... or lower.
I think i'll do it so in any weeks. :)

At time all seems to be ok with me and in opposite to nearly no T. I have to say wow! ;)

It may sound like a stupid question but have you played around with your trt dose of test and ai if you use one?
Sounds to me like you're trt dosage may need adjustment ifyou're libido is so high its causing you issues.

Im not on trt but i am blasting /cruising so i have a bit of an idea but from personal experience and the experience of others it can take a long time with lots of tweaking adjustment ect to get trt dialed in so its perfectly suited to you and your body mind ect i don't know you're personal level of experience with aas but if i were you i would get my trt dialed in first before i started adding deca and anything else after you get your test/e2 levels sorted then you can start playing around with deca or npp or whatever just my opinion though
Yes, was playing around with it and lower doses seems to lead to much more sexdrive on me.
Higher doses, thinking elevatet E2 and progesteron related it is decreased.
Is only a test with the deca and at time it will be a bit better then last days now.
... ok, I substitute testosterone since yesterday because a little change in my life and I need my manhood again. ;)
But thinking I will test it again in any time. ;)
300 mg testosterone cypionate and 200 mg nandrolone decanate a weekwith a 1/4 pill of letrizol twice a week works well for me