anything i can use to reduce water on a natty bulk?


I am banned!
bulking at 4000 cals and the water is coming out of my face and my stomach feels shitty when sitting down at night but much better in the morning. just wondering if anythng is good to use. when i finished my cut my stomach was completely flat and nice with obliques straining when flexing. now its not as good and its been a month of my lean bulk
Drink more water. Seriously. Your body will acclimate to the higher water intake and stop retaining as much. Alternatively you can also reduce sodium (some circles say this is the opposite of what you want to do) or reduce carb intake (makes things more difficult). Other than that, just enjoy the bulk and remember that you'll have more mass at the end to help with your cut.

My .02c :)

Note: Most OTC diuretics are actually caffeine, and overpriced at that. I don't think you would need to hit up a prescription diuretic unless we're talking crazy bloat, which may be symptomatic of something more serious.
You can't expect your midsection to be as trim as on a cut... Like halfwit said, enjoy the bulk, it's a time to get in whatever you can

The extra size in your face is not just water, it's fat as well... but you're bulking, not cutting