Appetight Stimulation help needed !


New member
(I posted this in different forum also)

Basically, I lift after work 3x a week. After i lift i can grub good untill bedtime. But, lately the other 24-7 I have no desire to eat. I need a good kick in the ass, so to speak. I have done good to add ten pounds recently, and want 5-8 more. If theres any supps/herbs u guys know off haller back!. GHRP is out, so is marij. Anything else is good
keep eating. growing requires big eats Land, you know that. And usually it sucks to eat that much.

With that being said, i find by adding cheats, i can increase my desire to eat. My be bullshit, but i get hungrier when i eat bigger meals with more fat, etc. eating clean is boring as fuck anyway.

But overall, you just gotta suck it up and eat. But if it was easy to get big, all the little dorks on this site would be big too. :D
There is a drug they give to cancer patients thats extracted from marijuana that helps nausea and increases appetite pretty significantly. The brand name is marinol, does not give the same effects (Mind altering) of smoking marijuana but does give the side effects your asking for.

I just started reading on it and apparently it can be habit forming so probably not a good choice.
This is what i did to get my weight up from 135 to 205 in less then 3 years naturally.

Make a cup of oatmeal "quick oats" make it really watery. Add honey, let it sit untill it reabsorbs all the watter. Then add 2 cups of milk to it. Add whey, Stir it and drink it.

Another good way to force calories it to take some natty peanut butter, shovel it into your mouth and chase it with milk.

If you do this take some probiotics and digestive enzymes to aide with digestion

ThiS is a easy and cheep way to get some calories in

Makes 5 Bars
- 8 scoops chocolate protein powder*
- 1 cup oatmeal*
- 1/3 cup natural peanut butter*
- 3 tbsp honey*
- 1/2 cup 1% milk*
- 3 tbsp crushed peanuts

1. Mix together the protein powder, oatmeal, peanut butter, honey and milk.*
2. Form into 5 bars and then roll in the crushed peanuts to finish.*
3. Place in the fridge for about 30-45 mins or until solid

Nutritional Facts
(Per Serving - 1 Bar)
Calories: 452*
Protein: 50g*
Carbohydrates: 36g*
Fat: 12g

step by step and more recipes:
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This is what i did to get my weight up from 135 to 205 in less then 3 years naturally.

Make a cup of oatmeal "quick oats" make it really watery. Add honey, let it sit untill it reabsorbs all the watter. Then add 2 cups of milk to it. Add whey, Stir it and drink it.

Another good way to force calories it to take some natty peanut butter, shovel it into your mouth and chase it with milk.

If you do this take some probiotics and digestive enzymes to aide with digestion

Thia is a easy and cheep way to get some calories in

Makes 5 Bars
- 8 scoops chocolate protein powder*
- 1 cup oatmeal*
- 1/3 cup natural peanut butter*
- 3 tbsp honey*
- 1/2 cup 1% milk*
- 3 tbsp crushed peanuts

1. Mix together the protein powder, oatmeal, peanut butter, honey and milk.*
2. Form into 5 bars and then roll in the crushed peanuts to finish.*
3. Place in the fridge for about 30-45 mins or until solid

Nutritional Facts
(Per Serving - 1 Bar)
Calories: 452*
Protein: 50g*
Carbohydrates: 36g*
Fat: 12g

I like that. Maybe some banana chips in there too eh ? Yummy !
It remids me of Myoplex bars. Peanut Butter Banana !
Man o man ! I could go through a box of those in a few days. Like the guy says. He had to stop eating them...
keep eating. growing requires big eats Land, you know that. And usually it sucks to eat that much.

With that being said, i find by adding cheats, i can increase my desire to eat. My be bullshit, but i get hungrier when i eat bigger meals with more fat, etc. eating clean is boring as fuck anyway.

But overall, you just gotta suck it up and eat. But if it was easy to get big, all the little dorks on this site would be big too. :D

I agree,i run into this sometimes,when i do,i increae my carbs and it makes me more hungry and so i tend to eat more,sometimes when i get this way,i will eat fast food,and about an hour later im starving,it works for me,good luck