Are Bronchodialators the ONLY way to get EPHEDRINE?


New member
Ok, so wanna cut here soon, and thought of doing an ECA stack. In the past I have just used Primatine or whatever as it has ephedrine in it, but does it work as good as "regular" ephedrine? Also, would incorporating test into the stack help keep the muscle mass while being about 500cal deficent?
I'm not really sure what you're asking here. I think you may be a little confused.

Ephedrine, itself, is a bronchodilator. A bronchodilator is just a medication that assists with airflow to the lungs. Those with asthma are sometimes prescribed a bronchodilator to help if they play sports or participate in exercise.

If you're in the US, you should be able to go to your local pharmacy and purchase ephedrine. I buy it at CVS under the brand name Bronkaid. I'm sure Walgreens has either Bronkaid or something similar.

Don't use Primatine or any other inhaler if your goal is to receive the Ephedrine from it. Primatene Mist has 0.22mg Ephedrine in each inhalation. Bronkaid, a pill form of Ephedrine, has 25mg per tablet which is a standard dose.
I went to Walgreens tonight and they say they no longer carry it. :( I'll have to make a run to CVS and see if they do