Are Deadlifts Necessary for a Wide Thick Back ?

no that made total sense, and i've done both kinds. it's just i never really took into account all the other muscle groups utilized in the "normal" deads. thanks fYre i appreciate the help. :afro:
Myself, I have never been able to build much in the way of back mass without deads. In fact, i start to lose tons of mass when I dont do them. As long as you keep your form tight then there is nothing to worry about
needsize said:
Myself, I have never been able to build much in the way of back mass without deads. In fact, i start to lose tons of mass when I dont do them. As long as you keep your form tight then there is nothing to worry about

You hit it there for sure Needsize with the form part! Far too many people try to lift insane amounts of weight and their forms sucks.
I used to DL every workout, have switched to every other now because getting a really good dead workout takes so much out of me that it hinders the rest of my workout.
Paulos said:
I used to DL every workout, have switched to every other now because getting a really good dead workout takes so much out of me that it hinders the rest of my workout.

I do my deads every other week too, for the same reason.
Fyre said:
I do my deads every other week too, for the same reason.
a lot of the old time powerlifters say 10 days to fully recover from a full deadlift workout
Infar 250. If you are a hardgainer I would go with the deads. I am a hard gainer and once I started doing them I started to really put on the lbs. I dedicate a workout to them cause ya gotta give them your all.kinda like doing 20 rep squats. You wont have energy for anything else. Plus you develope some killer forearms if you do them as long as possible without straps. Don't use straps until ya can't grab and hold the bar anymore and you will develope a hand crushin' grip.

DADAWG said:
a lot of the old time powerlifters say 10 days to fully recover from a full deadlift workout

From a PL perspective, a deadlift isn't necessarily a SLDL. You'll use leg drive in addition to pure back. I'm lucky in that I recover quickly, usually a couple days, max.

I love deadlifts. As a hardgainer, I don't know that difficulty in gaining necessarily stems from doing one type of move over another. I think that's more an issue of eating enough of the right kinds of foods.
rjl296 said:
back to the subject
i really recomend doing deads, you are only hurting yourself by not doing them. lose the fear
i second that. best thing i ever incorporated into my routine.
The_Iceman said:
i second that. best thing i ever incorporated into my routine.

I agree, i think some people don't do them, because, IMO they were the most difficult thing for me to learn. With long legs, i had a hard time clearing my knees and really took me a lot of time to be able to pull any legitimate weight. I was to busy worrying about weather i was doing them right. Once everything came together which took a few months the weight really shout up.
exactly the same for me bro. the thing that was holding me back for a long while was form (i train alone, don't have anyone to correct form for me) and bullshit stories (they'll hurt your back, cripple you,etc).
i have just began re-incorporating deadlifts back into my rutien after a very severe deadlifting lowerback/obliques injury . the reason for the injury was more a matter of overtraining on the exercise , going to heavy to fast , & overtraining from my job at the time where i use to build wrestling mats for universities/high schools etc. , it was there that i originally hurt my back so i should have known like i do now to be extra carefull of it .
but back to the question i highly recommend deadlifts in ALL forms , regular , sumo. , & stiff leg versions . all have a purpose in a balanced rutien . just remember your belt and to pyramid , and NEVER go up in lbs to fast while at the same time over training or you might get hurt .
ive always done them for powerlifting reasons, and i think that they have helped me obtain my thick back and shoulders, so i keep them in my arsenal....

tad69 said:
I do deadlifts once a week if training for a meet.

If not every other week.

EOW is a great routine for DLs (unless as tad69 says prepping for a meet). Have almost always done them as they are, IMO, the single most exercise for overall muscle stimulation. As for form, since college have switched to sumo style as this allows your flexors and erectors to already be "engaged" properly, allows hips to naturally roll into the bar (avoids "hitching"), keeps legs a bit more parallel (as well as incorporates legs more) and centers the weight throughout the whole back. Great movement and a true test of strength. :cool:
A big thumbs up to deadlifts, I never used to do deadlifts now that I added them to my routine I am growing a lot bigger, they are a great growth stimulant for me.