sorry, i only scanned over this. if she was honest enough to confide in you about your own stench, then MY GOD MAN, marry her!
you may find this helpful: i once ran out of anti-p and deoderant while on a desert deployment. for approx 2 months, no deoderant. can you imagine? 130 degree heat, and i'm eating Haji food every day. so, i turned it into a semi-scientific experiment. the conclusion:
- Hajis all stink because of the food they eat. your stench is like 80% attributed to what you ate within the past 8-24 hours; and about 20% to your genes (i.e., the french).
- what i did: avoided foods that basically smelled, including garlic and onions. believe you me, it worked and saved me many a sleepless night when i couldn't stand my own smell.