I'm a little confused. I remember years ago buying androstenediol, the same stuff Mark McGwire got caught with and shortly after the government banned it. Has anything changed? Can you still legally buy these on sites or are they just scams?
I can buy Pro Hormones from a local fitness store, they aren't illegal. Sports players have a long list of supplements that they cannot use. BUT, with that being said, I've run 3 Pro Hormone cycls in the past and I'll never touch any PH again.
No, but it doesnt seem like theres anything good around anymore... try to find some CEL Methadrol or Halodrol or iForce Methadrol off someone thats hording lol
they are legal and anything you buy from a shop is cool if anyones to blame it will be the trader not the customer, atleast over here anyways. Shop with confidence my freind as you not be the 1 that gets in trouble if things dont add up.
I'm a little confused. I remember years ago buying androstenediol, the same stuff Mark McGwire got caught with and shortly after the government banned it. Has anything changed? Can you still legally buy these on sites or are they just scams?
some are some are not, and im sure new ones will always come out that are left in legal loop hole for a while.
you need a test base anyway with ANY cycle, just run known aas and be safer.
OTC dosn't = safe
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