Jut want to get other people's arm size cold flexed just curious that's all
I'm 6' 258 lbs right now, still have upper abs, but not sure of bf%, but my arms have always been my strongpoint? I'm a Highland games strength athlete, so I don't train arms that hard! but they are a shade under 20 cold and a shade over pumped. if I could figure out how to put a pic up on this fcking iPad I would.I'm no bill gates, that's for sure. neck is 19 1/2.
45 years old with 30 years under my weight belt.
5'11ish 199. Sub 10- left 17 1/2 right 16 3/4.... But left leg is smaller then right??? Go figure?!?!
What do they say an inch on arm for every 15 lbs weight gain or is that 15 lbs lbm gain for an inch on arms?
not to spam this thread (sorry matt) but harold have you ever competed in the new england area for the highland games? I volunteer at a local one in new england every year in september.
Been known to work up to 120 lb Dumbbell with tricep ext and pullovers.