Aromasin ED or EOD! What does every1 think?


New member
I've read it a lot of contradicting info regarding this issue. Some say that Aromasin should be taken ED because of its half-life/active life(I believe it is 24 hours). Some others say that EOD is better, and I think it started somewhere but there is no actual reasoning for this!

What do you guys think of this?
I am planning on taking 12.5 mg of aromasin ED for my test cycle (600 mg), unless someone points out otherwise?
I've read it a lot of contradicting info regarding this issue. Some say that Aromasin should be taken ED because of its half-life/active life(I believe it is 24 hours). Some others say that EOD is better, and I think it started somewhere but there is no actual reasoning for this!

What do you guys think of this?
I am planning on taking 12.5 mg of aromasin ED for my test cycle (600 mg), unless someone points out otherwise?

Yea, its half-life is like 21 hours, so it needs to be taken ed. 12.5 is good, if you still get some bloat you can bump it up to 25mg ed
Half life is 27 hrs and yes take aromasin ed. You can cut the dose in half to 6.25 or double it to 25 if necessary. Find your sweet spot. Is this your first cycle? You might not even need to take it just have it on hand just in case.
Yea, its half-life is like 21 hours, so it needs to be taken ed. 12.5 is good, if you still get some bloat you can bump it up to 25mg ed

Thanks park! Yeah my plan is to take 12.5 mg a day. Just wanted to make sure I'm doing it right!
Half life is 27 hrs and yes take aromasin ed. You can cut the dose in half to 6.25 or double it to 25 if necessary. Find your sweet spot. Is this your first cycle? You might not even need to take it just have it on hand just in case.

I prefer to take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with my cycle! 600 mg test a week, plus D-bol @ 40 mg a day for the first 4 weeks. I prefer to take Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to avoid the bloat from the D-bol, plus I had puberty gyno, so I dont wanna risk that! Will start at 12.5 mg/day and will adjust accordingly!

Thanks for the input!
One more thing guys,

I am planning to take Aromasin until last day of injection of test E. Is that the right time to stop aromasin, or should I keep taking it until post cycle therapy (pct) starts?

post cycle therapy (pct):

Weeks 1-4:clomid @ 50mg/day
Weeks 1-2:Nolva @ 40 mg/day
Weeks 3-4:Nolva @ 20 mg/day
One more thing guys,

I am planning to take Aromasin until last day of injection of test E. Is that the right time to stop aromasin, or should I keep taking it until post cycle therapy (pct) starts?

post cycle therapy (pct):

Weeks 1-4:clomid @ 50mg/day
Weeks 1-2:Nolva @ 40 mg/day
Weeks 3-4:Nolva @ 20 mg/day

You should run it thru last day of post cycle therapy (pct)
Males definitely need some estrogen for bone health, libido, heart health, etc. but it's a fine line. Too much E2 can cause loss of libido, mood swings, gynocomastia, water retention, high BP, blood clotting and even prostrate issues. Some cancers accelerate because of high E2 as well. The key is balance. Men need to keep E2 below the female range but have just enough for health. 15pg/ml - 30pg/ml is about right for most men. Keep in mind that aromatase activity increases as men age so older guys need to really watch E2 and it's highly recommended that AI's are used year around even on TRT. Because of our high circulating Testosterone levels, AI's just don't work as well in men as women (unless the lady is pinning Test). Therefore its pretty tough to crush our E2. In contrast, it's easy to crush E2 in natty women.

Here is the hard data;

25mg Aromasin reduces E2 about 85% in females and has a half life of about 27 hours.

25mg Aromasin reduces E2 about 60% in males and has a half life of just under 9 hours.

Bottom line is; labs are needed to dial in your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dose.
Keep in mind that aromatase activity increases as men age so older guys need to really watch E2 and it's highly recommended that AI's are used year around even on TRT.

Sorry for the hijack, but this brings up a question I've been wondering about.

Why is it often necessary to run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) in order to keep estrogen levels in range?

TRT is intended to stabilize one's test levels in the normal range (not supraphysiological), and a healthy male with optimal natty test levels shouldn't need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), so why should a man on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)? You mentioned that aromatization increases with age, but is there more to it? Does synthetic test have a higher propensity for aromatization that natural test?
Males definitely need some estrogen for bone health, libido, heart health, etc. but it's a fine line. Too much E2 can cause loss of libido, mood swings, gynocomastia, water retention, high BP, blood clotting and even prostrate issues. Some cancers accelerate because of high E2 as well. The key is balance. Men need to keep E2 below the female range but have just enough for health. 15pg/ml - 30pg/ml is about right for most men. Keep in mind that aromatase activity increases as men age so older guys need to really watch E2 and it's highly recommended that AI's are used year around even on TRT. Because of our high circulating Testosterone levels, AI's just don't work as well in men as women (unless the lady is pinning Test). Therefore its pretty tough to crush our E2. In contrast, it's easy to crush E2 in natty women.

Here is the hard data;

25mg Aromasin reduces E2 about 85% in females and has a half life of about 27 hours.

25mg Aromasin reduces E2 about 60% in males and has a half life of just under 9 hours.

Bottom line is; labs are needed to dial in your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dose.

Thanks heavy iron for the great explanation. I am doing a blood test in the next two days and will have some numbers before starting and will do blood work during and after to keep everything in its range. Thanks once again!
Exemestane is a steroidal suicidal Type 1 irreversible aromatase inhibitor. It was originally created for breast cancer patients to block estradiol from creating more onceogenes. These same onceogenes are responsible for the growth of tumors and cancer cells. It***8217;s a naturally occurring substance from androstenedione which makes it very similar to formestane, one can call them brothers if they would like. Its steroid skeleton is comprised of of an ethyl group on C6 making it similar to Boldenone, similar to that of ATD. It***8217;s a newer generation Aromatase inhibitor (AI) which shows lots of promising potential as it does not abuse cholesterol as bad as other AI***8217;s have been reported to do so along positive effects on bone mineral density. It also does not lower IGF levels which pretty much all other AI***8217;s with the exception of formestane (raises IGF) lowers them. Since Exemestane is a steroidal Aromatase inhibitor (AI), it does have some androgenic properties which can lead to some minor strength and size gain along an increase in masculinity. The byproduct from the liver called 17-hydroxyexemestane is a metabolite which is created by the reduction of the 17-oxo group by way of the 17-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase which is responsible for its potent anti-estrogenic properties. This is the same metabolite believed to be responsible for the protection and growth of bone cells. Studies suggest Exemestane will block circulating estrogen up to 85% in women and 65% in men within a 12 hour span. When exemestane reaches full blood plasma concentration within the blood, it will block up to 98% of estrogen which means its POTENT. Based on a couple of studies I have read the only Aromatase inhibitor (AI) that can be taken with Novladex to reduce the estrogen that comes from increased testosterone would be Exemestane. Novladex inhibits the effectiveness of arimadex and other AI***8217;s based on this study: J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2001 Dec;79(1-5):85-91. I present the study to you good bros so you see that I am not trying pull the wool over your eyes. The suggested use of Aromasin/Exemestane is 25mg to see the 20% decrease in SHBG, 65% decrease in estradiol, and 60% increase in total/ 117% in free testosterone. The estrogen suppression rate for exemestane can vary from 85% for estradiol (E2) to 95% for estrone (E1). Exemestane reaches peak plasma concentrations within 2 hours following the oral administration of a 25 mg dose. The biological life of the drug is between 24 and 30 hours, most will say 27 hours. This is significant since it has a much shorter half life than for the non-steroidal inhibitors. A single oral dose of 25 milligrams of exemestane causes a relatively long-lasting reduction in plasma and urinary estrogen levels, with maximal suppression occurring approximately 2 to 3 days after dosing and persists for about 4 to 5 days.It has been shown that 25 milligrams of exemestane is basically just as effective as 50 milligrams at suppressing estrogen, raising testosterone levels, and levels of IGF. It is therefore unnecessary to go higher in doses than 25 milligrams per day. Due to the active life of the compound exemestane should be administered roughly once every twenty-four hours. It has been documented that 2.5mgs will be sufficient for treatment but most pharmaceutical companies will only produce the
Sorry for the hijack, but this brings up a question I've been wondering about.

Why is it often necessary to run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) in order to keep estrogen levels in range?

TRT is intended to stabilize one's test levels in the normal range (not supraphysiological), and a healthy male with optimal natty test levels shouldn't need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), so why should a man on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)? You mentioned that aromatization increases with age, but is there more to it? Does synthetic test have a higher propensity for aromatization that natural test?
When testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) patients inject T or even apply gels their T levels rise outside the normal range for a short period of time, during this time aromatization will increase a bit. However this is individualistic based on several factors including body fat and age as well as genetics.
Thanks heavy iron for the great explanation. I am doing a blood test in the next two days and will have some numbers before starting and will do blood work during and after to keep everything in its range. Thanks once again!

Great to be of help brother. You are doing exactly what you should be doing. Getting labs will be conclusive and will help you understand how your body responds to these medications.

Good luck and keep us posted.
very good posts!! My question is.. 12.5mgs ED will it kill my estro levels.. Sounds funny but I do want some estrogen in my system still.. Would it be pointless for Eod!?

Tren with more estrogen & test better with just test and no estro?.. ever hear that .. thats my worry !
very good posts!! My question is.. 12.5mgs ED will it kill my estro levels.. Sounds funny but I do want some estrogen in my system still.. Would it be pointless for Eod!?

Tren with more estrogen & test better with just test and no estro?.. ever hear that .. thats my worry !

Without labs its hard to say but I have gone as high as 25mg Aromasin every 12 hours on high dosed Testosterone. Currently I'm running 1 mg of Arimidex per day on Test and Tren.

Labs are cheap brother. Get some blood work and see. Then you will know how to dial in your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dose for future use.
aromisan = ed
arimidex = eod

With you having gyno during puberty I would bet you will end up taking a lil more than 12.5 but that is just a guess. Trial and error mate...Just be VERY careful to recognize the gyno symptoms.. I would personally have letro on hand just as an OH SHIT preventer but it is not a must imho. Just watch for the sensitive nips and bump your dose accordingly.

Oh and labs are the only way to know for sure but your body will let you know if you listen to it.
very good posts!! My question is.. 12.5mgs ED will it kill my estro levels.. Sounds funny but I do want some estrogen in my system still.. Would it be pointless for Eod!?

Tren with more estrogen & test better with just test and no estro?.. ever hear that .. thats my worry !

there are lots of guys who do use more test than you are without anything . start at 12.5 mg at the most a day and adjust up ONLY and i mean ONLY if blood pressure goes high due to bloating or real gyno symptoms occue.
real gyno means not internet hysteria , theres a freaking stampede of young guys crying about gyno on the net right now and 99% of them have sore / irritated nipples from spending all day poking/pulling/checking/rubbing /etc. and then when the damn things get sore they cry gyno.