Aromasin kill Libido?


New member
I am currently on week 8 of a cycle of 600testE & 500EQ (eurochem labs) 500iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) a week and 12.5 aromasin daily. and I feel like I have a loss of Libido. I just read so much about increased sex drive with testosterone, could it be the EQ? Would it hurt to get off the Aromasin and just have it on hand for gyno??? Any advice or opinions would be greatly appreciated thanks.
I am currently on week 8 of a cycle of 600testE & 500EQ (eurochem labs) 500iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) a week and 12.5 aromasin daily. and I feel like I have a loss of Libido. I just read so much about increased sex drive with testosterone, could it be the EQ? Would it hurt to get off the Aromasin and just have it on hand for gyno??? Any advice or opinions would be greatly appreciated thanks.

get your blood work could either have to high estro or to low estro...I wouldnt drop the could drop the dosage to 6.25 a day...some people are more sensitive to it...or you could raise the dosage to 18.75...this is why you get blood dont know where your levels are at
Thanks Cobra you are wise. I think I will experiment with my self and try 6.25 a day for a week and see what happens.
How much aromasin did u take? This is my 1st cycle maybe my body is sensitive to aromasin?

well when my estradiol was high i took 25mg/day for 3 weeks until i got my estrogen down,then i titrated down to 12.5mg ed then down to 6.25mg ed,but take into consideration this was on my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose of testosterone,when i cycle im gonna use 12.5mg ed and see how that goes
get your blood work could either have to high estro or to low estro...I wouldnt drop the could drop the dosage to 6.25 a day...some people are more sensitive to it...or you could raise the dosage to 18.75...this is why you get blood dont know where your levels are at

What can happen if I drop that aromasin besides gyno and water retention? I know need to get bloodwork done to know exactly where my estrogen levels are, but wouldn't it mean they are low if I have no gyno and water retention?
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Thanks Cobra you are wise. I think I will experiment with my self and try 6.25 a day for a week and see what happens.

Blood work man ...You are shooting in the dark otherwise. It is really not that expensive and it will really help you with dialing in your doses.
Blood work man ...You are shooting in the dark otherwise. It is really not that expensive and it will really help you with dialing in your doses.

What can happen if I drop that aromasin besides gyno and water retention? I know need to get bloodwork done to know exactly where my estrogen levels are, but wouldn't it mean they are low if I have no gyno and water retention?
Ok so I just made an appointment to get my bloodwork done with labcorp here in Houston. So should I maintain the same dosage until I get my results or go ahead and drop it to 6.25ed(aromasin)??? What is a normal level of Estrogen suppose to be? I will post my results once they are in.
Yes maintain your dosage....just cause you don't have gyno doesn't mean your estro isn't through the roof....normal is around 20-35
6.25 mg a day. knocked my e2 in the dirt on 200mg test a week. I tirated all the way down to 1.25mg EOD to get it in check. Now I'm starting to question whether my source accidentally sent me Letro instead. The bottle says Aromasin and its from a very reputable source around here. I emailed them about this but haven't heard anything back yet. Could be that I'm very sensitive to it I guess.
6.25 mg a day. knocked my e2 in the dirt on 200mg test a week. I tirated all the way down to 1.25mg EOD to get it in check. Now I'm starting to question whether my source accidentally sent me Letro instead. The bottle says Aromasin and its from a very reputable source around here. I emailed them about this but haven't heard anything back yet. Could be that I'm very sensitive to it I guess.

I guess that could make sense. I got mine from***********. What about u?
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What can happen if I drop that aromasin besides gyno and water retention? I know need to get bloodwork done to know exactly where my estrogen levels are, but wouldn't it mean they are low if I have no gyno and water retention?

High Estrogen which has some pretty less-than-stellar symptoms. Aside from Gyno and water:

Low to No sex drive.
Weight gain (No, not lean mass gains either)
Mood Swings
(I have also heard Joint Pain being associated but cannot find information to support that on a rapid search.)

Basically, you'll get to find out what your girlfriend goes through for a few days every month. On a more permanent basis until it's corrected.
High Estrogen which has some pretty less-than-stellar symptoms. Aside from Gyno and water:

Low to No sex drive.
Weight gain (No, not lean mass gains either)
Mood Swings
(I have also heard Joint Pain being associated but cannot find information to support that on a rapid search.)

Basically, you'll get to find out what your girlfriend goes through for a few days every month. On a more permanent basis until it's corrected.

Beautifully said:bigok:
Cool cool I appreciate all the info guys. I feel like i prolly have low estrogen but we'll see. I'll post my blood work results hopefully Tuesday.