athletes 1st time

i would go for 1.5-2 grams of protien per lb wieght. so if ur at 145 try and get around 250-300grams and if you get closer to 400lbs increase to 350-400 grams

and definitly try the 5x5 or something similar. i was overtraining and then went to a similar routine and through on about 15lbs in under 2 months and im a small guy too

good luck w everything
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cool cool ok 250 lol i ment 400 but its too much then ill keep you all posted on my results cycle starts tomarrow!!!
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jlozan84 said:
At that weight, you obviously do not know how to gain weight natural, so gear won't help. If it does help, you will probably just lose it anyway. You need to work on your diet.
Wow! I remember weighing 145lbs. Than 160lbs, than 180lbs, than suddenly 240. As you get older your muscle maturity will kick in and you will be able to gain weight. You do not have to gain weight to gain muscle. I won my first NPC bodybuilding competition at 143lbs. It is very common for younger athletes to maintain lower weight levels while putting on pure muscle. For example, you may lose 5 lbs of scale weight, but gain 10lbs of pure muscle. When this hapens on smaller athletes, it looks like they put on 20lbs of weight and their strength will keep going up. This is how you know you are putting on muscle if you are not gaining scale weight. Being a hard gainer sucks. Than over the years you maturity will kick in and beleive me, you will have no problem gaining weight.
As a running back, and if you are not going to be tested for a while, I would stay away from test cypionate, enanthate, dbol, anadrol. Although these drugs are great for putting on weight, once you get off of them, their is usually a fatty rebound effect. As a running back, you cannot take a chance for this to happen. Furthermore, they watch for too fast of gains by young atheltes, and these days will actually hold quick achievements against you. I know scouts, and they will wait a while if an athlete rises quickly through the ranks. Your young, so they watch. Over time it is easy to see who is taking them. Your best bet is to start off with winstrol and work out as hard as you can. Winstrol will make you run fast, look good, and get attention. Thats all you want now. Than once you have gotten noticed, and you will, they will see that your gains were not "crazy", and they will actually respect you more thinking that you are deffinately natural. Your name will slowly get around. You dont want yourself becoming the guy who put on 30lbs in 3 months and is gaining and losing weight like a yoyo. They will hold it aginst you. Take it slow. You have time. Once they notice you take a little sustanon250 in the off season with some Winstrol (winny) again. Than when you go back you will have the natural gains they will brag about. Can't stress it enough. Take it slow.
Once you are playing for a d1 team. During the on seasone the best drug to take is GH and test suspension.
By the way, the GCMS test for stanozolol is a lot better these days. 6months-8months is possible to detect. Just ask Rafiel Palmero of the Baltimore Orioles he was 7months clean off of Winstrol (winny) and popped. Ways of beating it though.
Wow! I remember weighing 145lbs. Than 160lbs, than 180lbs, than suddenly 240. As you get older your muscle maturity will kick in and you will be able to gain weight. You do not have to gain weight to gain muscle. I won my first NPC bodybuilding competition at 143lbs. It is very common for younger athletes to maintain lower weight levels while putting on pure muscle. For example, you may lose 5 lbs of scale weight, but gain 10lbs of pure muscle. When this hapens on smaller athletes, it looks like they put on 20lbs of weight and their strength will keep going up. This is how you know you are putting on muscle if you are not gaining scale weight. Being a hard gainer sucks. Than over the years you maturity will kick in and beleive me, you will have no problem gaining weight.
As a running back, and if you are not going to be tested for a while, I would stay away from test cypionate, enanthate, dbol, anadrol. Although these drugs are great for putting on weight, once you get off of them, their is usually a fatty rebound effect. As a running back, you cannot take a chance for this to happen. Furthermore, they watch for too fast of gains by young atheltes, and these days will actually hold quick achievements against you. I know scouts, and they will wait a while if an athlete rises quickly through the ranks. Your young, so they watch. Over time it is easy to see who is taking them. Your best bet is to start off with winstrol and work out as hard as you can. Winstrol will make you run fast, look good, and get attention. Thats all you want now. Than once you have gotten noticed, and you will, they will see that your gains were not "crazy", and they will actually respect you more thinking that you are deffinately natural. Your name will slowly get around. You dont want yourself becoming the guy who put on 30lbs in 3 months and is gaining and losing weight like a yoyo. They will hold it aginst you. Take it slow. You have time. Once they notice you take a little sustanon250 in the off season with some Winstrol (winny) again. Than when you go back you will have the natural gains they will brag about. Can't stress it enough. Take it slow.
Once you are playing for a d1 team. During the on seasone the best drug to take is GH and test suspension.
By the way, the GCMS test for stanozolol is a lot better these days. 6months-8months is possible to detect. Just ask Rafiel Palmero of the Baltimore Orioles he was 7months clean off of Winstrol (winny) and popped. Ways of beating it though.

In my mind a hard gainer is a person who doesent have a set in place diet/training routine...
Yeah, but the variation in genetics is so different from person to person, I just didn't want to look at weight. If you can make it happen the scouts will watch you these days. High weight does not impress them as much anymore. It makes them skeptical. Performance and gradual increases is what they want. I ate right for years and couldn't gain a pound of scale weight until my metabolism slowed down, but if you look at pictures of me within a three year period, I weigh the same, but look like I am 30lbs heavier. Maybe I used the wrong choice of words, but hopefully my point got across. I was considered a hard gainer with bad genetics, but that was not true. Hard work,dedication, and education got me there.
ya i deffinatly have a high metabolism i eat and five min later s$%t it out!! ha ha you guys are gr8 on help Winstrol (winny) is the same as winstrol right? It was a little late on the shipment what needle size do you guys recommend
22 gauge to withdraw from vial, 25 gauge to inject......... my first cycle I didnt know what size needle to use and was using a 20 gauge for 12 weeks, now I have scars on my ass.. haha
sorry for the q's but i got everything ready how much should i inject and i think tues and thursdays is good ? ( every other day?
5'10", 145, 20(ish) yr old. dude never experienced proper dieting. but yeah, let's tell him to take some gear, brilliant.

what are the chances he'll make a living from football?
he has better chances he'll end up with some health problem from gear at this point.

Dude, you have the stuff in hand and are ready to start? Yet, you are NOW asking when to inject and if you should change the pin everytime? wtf.

You need to stop, read, read, and read some more........before you fuck yourself up. Besides the obvious fact you shouldn't be using gear in the first place as you can't gain weight natty.
I gotta agree... STEP.. AWAY.. FROM.. THE.. GEAR.. and do some serious reading, we're here to give advice but not to hold your hand andtalk you through injecting.
Get your diet sorted, the money you spendin on gear at this moment in time could be put to better use like buying and eating everything in sight. Once you have the weight then mabey consider it.

But at the end of the day its your body and money bro, We can only advise you.
Drako said:
I gotta agree... STEP.. AWAY.. FROM.. THE.. GEAR.. and do some serious reading, we're here to give advice but not to hold your hand andtalk you through injecting.
Get your diet sorted, the money you spendin on gear at this moment in time could be put to better use like buying and eating everything in sight. Once you have the weight then mabey consider it.

But at the end of the day its your body and money bro, We can only advise you.

well put.. your not ready for gear at all.. 145 is really small, almost to the point where I think your feeding us b.s for being a good RB
im up to 151 now been workingout and took dieting advice from the section holding off on the test for now but i need to get to 170 atleast so about how much should i get up to?
Sorry, pwlives, but I do not think football is in your future. You are too small naturally period.

There comes a time when 99.9% of all athletes come to face a certain reality that they are not going any further.
ya i still have a few d2/3 schools sending me letters but i have pretty much ruled d1 out just trying to get some more weight so my coach doesnt take me out on passing downs you know??
jlozan84 said:
At that weight, you obviously do not know how to gain weight natural, so gear won't help. If it does help, you will probably just lose it anyway. You need to work on your diet.

I'll add to this that he needs to learn to count calories and go for about 5-6000/DAY and keep Training up! when u hit 200-223 LBS natural u should go for Testo Prop stacked with Dbol, Dbol got detection time of about 3weeks Tprop 2 weeks, do the cycle over summervacation and go back to training hopefully around a solid 230-240 pounds and work hard to keep that weight and you should be able to get far, if u keep yourself free from injuries.

If you do a cycle now you will shrink back fast, u need to learn to eat before u get on cycle or u will get stuck in "yoyo" building.