Don't think there's many from aus, but I may be wrong...I'm over west, Perth
Depends who you know, but hard to get hold of for the average person, ridiculously expensive for most and i know of a few dodgy characters selling 'legit' gear. how's things over east? i've heard it's a lot easier
we have ALOT of brand's getting around to many a lot of under dose stuff to. 2 best we have in Brisbane are " Balkan labs and Gen-pharma. going for $200 each if we order over 10vial's it's $150 each if we order over 50+ drop's down to $110 each. but yes it's a lot easyer to get here.
I'm from Australia and Brisbane as well. I've found it's pretty hard to get onto some certain gear, but other than that it hasn't been too difficult. About to run my first cycle in the next month. I hope it's not under dosed or I've been ripped off. It came from a bladder and is apparently from a vet, so it should be good quality I hope.
Canberra checking inStarting first cycle within this week, hope fully my gear is GTG. source is in WA
hey man what brand of gear did you get?, I know pretty much every gear getting around in Brisbane!. from a bladder? so i'm guessing it's test prop 100mgs per ml? or test e 75mgs per ml?