Authenticity Check for Newly Acquired Gear


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Authenticity Check for Newly Acquired Gear

The products acquired are supposed to be schering test cyp and Fort Dodge EQ.

First, the EQ: It came in a white and yellow box. It is marked 50mg ml/50ml

It says undecilinato De Boldenona
Lot No. TL0205195

Now what is supposed to be Schering test cyp:

It came out of the "package" in the amps. The writing on the amps is blue. It says:

Primoteston_ Depo
The lot number is 1202105
exp 12/07

I don't have it with me so that is all I can describe for now. I don't think there is too much else info though.

Please let me know if you can confirm if these are legit or not. Thanks very much.

Gettin'Old said:
Authenticity Check for Newly Acquired Gear

The products acquired are supposed to be schering test cyp and Fort Dodge EQ.

First, the EQ: It came in a white and yellow box. It is marked 50mg ml/50ml

It says undecilinato De Boldenona
Lot No. TL0205195

Now what is supposed to be Schering test cyp:

It came out of the "package" in the amps. The writing on the amps is blue. It says:

Primoteston_ Depo
The lot number is 1202105
exp 12/07

I don't have it with me so that is all I can describe for now. I don't think there is too much else info though.

Please let me know if you can confirm if these are legit or not. Thanks very much.


It is just about impossible to tell without a picture of them.
If they are legit which they probably are, you have yourself some very high quality gear! The only thing with the Fort Dodge EQ is that it is only 50mgs./ml., which means you will have to do more per inj. or more frequent inj., remember you need to do at least 400mgs./week to see good results. Once you get the gear try to post it in the pic forum, so we can take a better look at it.
Hmmmm.... The gear is procured. Taking and posting pics will be a little trickier. This source seems increbibly reliable, although new to me it's through a highly trusted bro. (The gear is all supposed to be top flight. That was the whole intent - - to procure top notch shit). In fact, there is a money back guarantee. If I don't like what I see it can just be returned for the money back.

Having said all that, I'm a newbie and don't know shit. I've looked at several other pictures posted in the pic forum and they look identical.
Primoteston lot nr. connected with expiration is ok: 99,9% I would say it's legit.
Sorry, no way for me to say anything on Fort Dodge, we don't have it in Italy (we have many other interesting things:D , anyway)
The cyp was very expensive, and probably most of y'all would consider it a total rip. Embarrassed and blushing - - it was $30 an amp! Now, here's the thing. Primary concern was getting top of the line human grade (or closest possible with the eq) gear. So, the rational (although some will think crazy) choice to pay for this product was made.
i gotta wonder where you went to get this stuff.........30$ an amp even for grade A gear is way over the top.

how many amps did you buy?

peace I4L