mPUA "el diablo"
Hey all,
Just wondering what kind of strength increases you
usually see during a first cycle, or cycles that follow there after..
I always felt that size and strenght go hand in hand,
However looking at a powerlifter and a bodybuilder kinda
shoots that theory down.
I think Arnold said..."if i wanted to lift heavy things for a living
i would have gotten a job as a brick layer"...(dont quote my quote)
But...did you guys generally see excellent increases in size
and weight instead of perhaps having an increase of 50 lbs
on a bench press?..
Just wondering what kind of strength increases you
usually see during a first cycle, or cycles that follow there after..
I always felt that size and strenght go hand in hand,
However looking at a powerlifter and a bodybuilder kinda
shoots that theory down.
I think Arnold said..."if i wanted to lift heavy things for a living
i would have gotten a job as a brick layer"...(dont quote my quote)
But...did you guys generally see excellent increases in size
and weight instead of perhaps having an increase of 50 lbs
on a bench press?..