Awesome first cycle! Here I come!

im not 18 lol
ive been as high as 240 before without anything but food. but like slair suggest my bf was more like that of a lee priest offseason look so the weight didnt matter. But ive been dieting hard for almost 3 years now and now im a lean 210. really wanna see how big and lean i can get. Id really like to see if i could hit 240 again but with ALOT better conditioning.
Day 3 on dbol@ 50mg day. trained back hard today and my back was so pumped i could barely walk. 2 test c shot is tomorrow so hoping everything goes well.
well guys i havent put on any weight and havent lost any weight but i have gotten leaner even though i have been eating like a freaking horse! I cut my cardio and half now that im not putting on any weight so from like 40-45 minutes to about 15-20. This is only the start of week 2 so we will see how things go from here.
if i had a dang camera! lol

I just want this to hurry up and see if this gear is g2g or not. I should know in four to six weeks though?
He's probably worried that he wonbt get any info because everyone will think he is too young. I posted my age and no one will give me any info now. Just help him out guys.

he doesnt need any help right now,, he has already started a cycle and people told him it was g2g. just wandering age. good to know.
I am pretty young but at least im doing everything under a doctors supervision. I posted my age a while back and just got flamed but I did my research, know the consequences, and just got to live with it.
told the doc I was doing it regardless so.... lol

I'm rooting for you Travis, I'm 23 and sponsoring a guy who is 18 years old; he is very focused and dedicated. He lives, eats and breaths bodybuilding and has not had a soda or a piece of candy in over 5 years. He just started taking AAS this year alone and is has very little distractions for he is also a personal trainer at three local gyms and yes; If he can do it so can you! It's all about mindset and if you are distracted easily by girls ect then i would not recommend doing this but at your age, well i would do it too! ha! Take 500mg per week then when you run out of the eth just switch over to the cyp like nothing happened. Its the same thing but Cyp is founded from Europe and Eth is American muscle. Very little difference in the regulatory digesting esters. They are both very long and very slow absorptions. I would not use the same supplier in the future though if he said he would send you one thing and send you two different identical products. That means he has very low supply and well, i would go with a company from china that manufacture it unless you wanna make your own which would be amazing and really give you a whole new insight to chemistry.

I would take Arimidex at .5ml per day from three weeks into the cycle to 3 weeks or so after your cycle during the post cycle therapy (pct). That way you will not get acne, bitchtitts and cru during sad movies. You can find peptides online from many websites you can find by googling "anabolic peptides for sale"

I assume you know how to taper on and taper off the test correct?
I'm rooting for you Travis, I'm 23 and sponsoring a guy who is 18 years old; he is very focused and dedicated. He lives, eats and breaths bodybuilding and has not had a soda or a piece of candy in over 5 years. He just started taking AAS this year alone and is has very little distractions for he is also a personal trainer at three local gyms and yes; If he can do it so can you! It's all about mindset and if you are distracted easily by girls ect then i would not recommend doing this but at your age, well i would do it too! ha! Take 500mg per week then when you run out of the eth just switch over to the cyp like nothing happened. Its the same thing but Cyp is founded from Europe and Eth is American muscle. Very little difference in the regulatory digesting esters. They are both very long and very slow absorptions. I would not use the same supplier in the future though if he said he would send you one thing and send you two different identical products. That means he has very low supply and well, i would go with a company from china that manufacture it unless you wanna make your own which would be amazing and really give you a whole new insight to chemistry.

I would take Arimidex at .5ml per day from three weeks into the cycle to 3 weeks or so after your cycle during the post cycle therapy (pct). That way you will not get acne, bitchtitts and cru during sad movies. You can find peptides online from many websites you can find by googling "anabolic peptides for sale"

I assume you know how to taper on and taper off the test correct?

man I am so focused it feels like I am going to die if I miss a meal or a day of training. I am running arimidex at .5mg a day right now. I didnt know you had to taper off of test...that is news to me lol
man I am so focused it feels like I am going to die if I miss a meal or a day of training. I am running arimidex at .5mg a day right now. I didnt know you had to taper off of test...that is news to me lol

I know, that is exactly why I said it! :newbie:

I to was once you age! If you are taking 500mg I would just bring it down to 1 & 1/2 ML on the second from last week and 1 ML on your last week. if you are doing 12 weeks then just make it 14 weeks and use week 13 and 14 to taper down. That is if you have enough test. Do what you got. But def take the arimidex , just .5ml a day on and a little after your cycle. Def take the clomid or you will start getting depressed. I wish someone told me that my first cycle I did, I was 20 and did not know how to find clomid online and got really depressed and did not want to go out in public, much less the gym. I though i couldnt do steroids anymore but i only realized that if you dont start producing test naturally after you get off then you will feel like a hopeless little girl! :P Cheers

Oh, and just in case if you just cant stop eating, get T3. its called Liothyronine Sodium. It will burn fat off you by, at least a lot! haha
It increases your thyroid; lets say it does not make your thyroid hyperactive, but it def make it hyper! lol. You thyroid controls all the processes in your body, so that means your metabolism. I take 80mcg to 100mcg a day and i space it out. 40mcg in morning 40mcg in the evening. ect you take to much you will def tell and your thyroid will hurt a little and you will feel a little like your on meth as in you brain function speeds up to lol. Don't do to much if you do try and want to buy it! Its way better than taking fat burners at gnc ect. cheers

ps. ATX rocks! :P
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Why are you tapering you do not want to do that and if so I wanna know the theory do not taper off doses

First off, calling someone an "idiot" really shows your maturity level. I hope you don't have kids.
Second. Is that not against the rules of the forum balboa?

Travis, I think its a good idea.
I taper almost everything I use now to avoid acne and it works. Tapering and controlling estrogen has completely eliminated acne for me. You can either listen to me and do some more research for yourself or completely ingore the whole threory of taper or not to taper; because now, there is controversy from this balboa man. Presumptively he loves to belittle his own reputation calling people names instead of responding with a proper, valid response; to which that should contain enough evidence to triumph my level of encouragement to taper off at the end of a cycle. I'm sure most of his post are just name calling people and one liners. cheers travis

oh and ps, i am with a rep power of 3 with 29 posts, my new forum friend has 1,226 post and 1 rep power. go ahead, listen to him if you want. I would do some more research yourself on this topic my friend. Make sure you feel confident with whichever decision you make. For it is your body and you only get one body.
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I know, that is exactly why I said it! :newbie:

I to was once you age! If you are taking 500mg I would just bring it down to 1 & 1/2 ML on the second from last week and 1 ML on your last week. if you are doing 12 weeks then just make it 14 weeks and use week 13 and 14 to taper down. That is if you have enough test. Do what you got. But def take the arimidex , just .5ml a day on and a little after your cycle. Def take the clomid or you will start getting depressed. I wish someone told me that my first cycle I did, I was 20 and did not know how to find clomid online and got really depressed and did not want to go out in public, much less the gym. I though i couldnt do steroids anymore but i only realized that if you dont start producing test naturally after you get off then you will feel like a hopeless little girl! :P Cheers

Oh, and just in case if you just cant stop eating, get T3. its called Liothyronine Sodium. It will burn fat off you by, at least a lot! haha
It increases your thyroid; lets say it does not make your thyroid hyperactive, but it def make it hyper! lol. You thyroid controls all the processes in your body, so that means your metabolism. I take 80mcg to 100mcg a day and i space it out. 40mcg in morning 40mcg in the evening. ect you take to much you will def tell and your thyroid will hurt a little and you will feel a little like your on meth as in you brain function speeds up to lol. Don't do to much if you do try and want to buy it! Its way better than taking fat burners at gnc ect. cheers

ps. ATX rocks! :P

please dont freak when i say this but im taking 3 ml a week of test...probably not gonna work in my favor later on. but i am definitely going to research on tapering now!! Man I am prepared on the t3 lol I have t3, t4, clen, aromasin, letro, arim, clomid, and nolva on hand!

I am in the San Marcos :p
First off, calling someone an "idiot" really shows your maturity level. I hope you don't have kids.
Second. Is that not against the rules of the forum balboa?

Travis, I think its a good idea.
I taper almost everything I use now to avoid acne and it works. Tapering and controlling estrogen has completely eliminated acne for me. You can either listen to me and do some more research for yourself or completely ingore the whole threory of taper or not to taper; because now, there is controversy from this balboa man. Presumptively he loves to belittle his own reputation calling people names instead of responding with a proper, valid response; to which that should contain enough evidence to triumph my level of encouragement to taper off at the end of a cycle. I'm sure most of his post are just name calling people and one liners. cheers travis

oh and ps, i am with a rep power of 3 with 29 posts, my new forum friend has 1,226 post and 1 rep power. go ahead, listen to him if you want. I would do some more research yourself on this topic my friend. Make sure you feel confident with whichever decision you make. For it is your body and you only get one body.

you reported a post by email and wasted my time because someone called you a idiot ?
1st off the your a idiot wasnt directed to you , its part of his signature and goes on every post he makes . 2nd you ARE a idiot for sponsering a 18 year old with steroids.
grow up , your not impressing anyone but the other kids by using words like maturity and belittle.

check your rep now and try bragging about that .
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