All things are temporary.
you reported a post by email and wasted my time because someone called you a idiot ?
grow up , your not impressing anyone but the other kids by using words like maturity and belittle.
check your rep now and try bragging about that .
L O L!!!!!
Hatchman you know better.
Really your sponsoring an 18 year old who is on AAS? Then you tell someone you hope THEY do not have kids?! Your helping to destroy that young man. I thought I was going to be a pro BB when I was 18 too. I thought I was going to be president when I was 6. See the point, sometimes what you THINK is important really is not. Oh yes and I'm sure he is REALLY a trainer. I'm pretty sure he HAS had a peice of candy in the past 5 years, CHILDREN DO trick or treat every halloween.
Travis please listen up. I know AAS seems cool, I know you want to be different. I know how old you are I read some posts. It may seem to late as your on roids already but PLEASE listen to my next paragraph. There is no reason you can't use AAS responsibly.... you don't have to cycle continuously or go on a blast and cruise.
The MAIN problem with AAS use is what is does to your cardiovascular system. Forget about sex, kids, acne, baldness... all those sides are really not that important. Your heart is. Steroids reduce good cholesterol significantly. Good cholesterol kind of acts like a sponge and sweeps through your system and picks up saturated fats and plaque. Steroid use ALSO increase BAD cholesterol dramatically. THE HEALTHIEST DIET CANNOT PREVENT THIS.
Arnold did not only have valve work done. He had a bypass. He was goign to die without it. There is a reason bodybuilders die young. Now you know why. DO NOT ABUSE ROIDS. Ology is not a country club that only condones some to use AAS. The old guys are looking out for the young guys, this is the way of the world. PLEASE trust us, think for yourself, don't listen to idiots man.