back in the game......kind of! need help......


okay.......took hiatus from working out on a serious basis. Just had no desire and f#cked up relationship put a halt on things. But now, that all behind me and hitting the gym hard! And on lw carb diet to shed the fat........back in the game. I'm a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) user but I'm out of insurance so for me to replenish my normal levels will $600 plus for only 100mg a week, which is what gets me to "normal" levels. Looking to put that size back on soooooooo I need mods or any one that can help to. Well....just private message me.
A bit about me........started first cycle approx 12 yrs ago and have done about 5 cycles with great results, did my PCT but for me, well my hypothalamus is not recognizing my levels of testosterone so it shut my production of testasterone down (blood work , cat scan of pituitary was done). So now I relie on injections each week.........

Looking to lose 10 pounds of fat and sut on approx 15 to 20 pounds of lean muscle........

Exgirlfriends can take the mojo or lust for the thing we love doing! Hardcore training!!!!!!!!

Thanks a bunch
I've told this story before but here goes:what a b$tch for exgirlfriend a few years back. I was just starting up a cycle and forgot to throw out the syringe. Well my girlfriend found it and actually drove down to the gym, hoping to find me there. Thank goodness I left because she was going to throw the syringe and open vials at me in the gym and start a scene as to why I am taking steroids and make something private into something everyone around me would have known. Well, she found me at home and I got an earful....thank goodness I left the gym a few minutes earlier before she arrived....what a scene.......embarrassing it would have been. Who knows hw loud she would of gotten and for how long! What a b*tch............
You're totally better off without her. I mean, if they can't understand our quest for greatness then they don't deserve to be with us, right? ;)
Your so right...imagine the humiliation of her throwing syringe and broken amps at me in the gym andyelling as to why I'm using gear........that would of been dreadfull........... what would any of you guys have done????????? If she came into gym and tossed your stuff at you ?????
Your so right...imagine the humiliation of her throwing syringe and broken amps at me in the gym andyelling as to why I'm using gear........that would of been dreadfull........... what would any of you guys have done????????? If she came into gym and tossed your stuff at you ?????
Well I don't know her so it would of gotten ugly, however my wife completely supports my goals and whatever I need to do to achieve them. My advice, find someone who is like minded and can understand.
I sware of my fiance did that id flip out.. but than again she doesnt know i use gear. Do about 3 cycles a year.. and shes catching on.. she found my logs that i had over the years which she throughout.. lucky i abbreviated each thing but she suspected bcz my size always changes from winter to summer without breaking a sweat.. she confronted me about it.. said its all vitamins but shes not stupid.. let alone she doesnt even let me take stuff from gnc or want me drinking.protein.. which i do anyhow but texan u got a good girl hold on to her man
For sure bro I won't let her get away lol. The only thing she asks is that I am smart about my use. No protein powder though? What was the reason for That?