Back in the saddle (Cycle #2)

LiftTillIDie said:
That is kind of wierd. Not great meaning average or below average?

Maybe below average. Certainly no better or even worse than when i'm not on cycle.

MY libido was great on my last cycle and I was taking less test?
I have found that upward of 750mg of test and my sex drive gets lower not higher I have to keep in around 500-600 a week (7days) to decrease side effects.

So you like the Tren.....acetate was it? 100mg ED? Man that is a bunch. I have done like 12+ cycles and 75mg of Tren Act. EOD is almost to much I had to decrease this to like 50mg EOD b/c of the sides. I became short tempered and angry.
yes 100mg ED, no real sides to speak of.

POssibly agree with you on test dose. 500-750 or 150mg prop EOD was better sex drive wise than 1g EW. Maybe that's why the tren is helping my sex drive out.
Breaking out alittle mostlymon body but i'm into my DL suit now and i'm sure it isn't clean.

Inner agression seems to be there alittle all the time and comes out alittle unexpectedly.
last thursday I took about a 1/4mg of cialis and friday another 1/4 mg. Ever since then I have felt dizzy/head fuckedup/ headache/pressure etc. cialis should be gone by now. Wondering if it's something to do with tren?

Got a new bopttole of it but from the same UG lab that I have had no probs with. Body temp is agonizing topday too. Face isn't overly red but haven't actually had the BP checked. I need to do that. In the mean time I aded some ancilliaries todsay

taurine 4g ED.
liver detox 900mg ED
magnesium 1200mg ED
calcium 2400mg
hawthorne berry 3600mg ED