Back in the saddle (Cycle #2)

I never felt it doing shit for me and now i'm on tren which will make up the difference anyway. basicly results vs. money invested. I'll run more test before I run any more EQ. This will be my lat wek on the EQ.
I have becked the tren down to 50-75 mg and am doing EOD shots. Everything has calmed down aot.

I still feel the tren but it's tolerable and my BP is under control.

Tren does affect you sex performance.
My appetite is still good and have noticed no changes in hairline. My roommate is also using tren and has complained that his appetite has taken a hit. I think you were smart to back down the dosage.
Yeah. monday I came a cunt hair from 455 raw.

I hit 550 x2 raw off 5 boards with pinkys on the ring.

I can eat but i'm force feeding a bit. I look way lean but my body weight is 277 clothed.

I just hate the way tren makes you feel. If I can get by without it i'll never use it again. If I have to it will be very shiort term. But i'm glad I know what it's capable of so if I do need it it's there.

Upped test to 1200 this week and dropped EQ all together.
I didnt like the sides I got from Tren either. I probably won't run it again, even though the strength was the best i got from any other drug, not worth it.
skarhead1 said:
I didnt like the sides I got from Tren either. I probably won't run it again, even though the strength was the best i got from any other drug, not worth it.

agree. I will run it again but for a shorter duration much closer to the meet and I will run it hard as close to 100 mg ED as I can stand.
If you haven't already, you should try anavar. I used to think it was just a girl drug but strength is good, and the body comp changes are nice. Along with some(and by that i mean lots) of test, it makes a pretty nice PL combo. The sides are basically minimal
skarhead1 said:
If you haven't already, you should try anavar. I used to think it was just a girl drug but strength is good, and the body comp changes are nice. Along with some(and by that i mean lots) of test, it makes a pretty nice PL combo. The sides are basically minimal

WTF you were ripping the shit out of me regarding Var, eating your words now ? by the way I updated my cycle with before and after pics :)

Sorry for thread hijacking Rocco
Lucky13 said:
WTF you were ripping the shit out of me regarding Var, eating your words now ? by the way I updated my cycle with before and after pics :)

Sorry for thread hijacking Rocco

dont hijack thread, this ain the CL. i was ripping you for saying you gained 12 lbs off of 20mg of Anavar (var) only becos thats bullshit
ok, two days out and that measn two days left of the hard shit.

I'll go 100mg tren ED right trough saterday and added 100mg anadrol ED as well but i'll hit 150 on the meet day.

After the meet i'm cutting back to just test for a while then i'll go to prop at the very end.
Ran 100 mg anadrol thursday, 150 friday and 125 on saterday along with 30mg halo.

benched 655, dead 500

halo makes you agresssive and anadrol makes you sweat alot.
Dropped to 250mg Test E EW. I'll use up what I have left.

All the bloat is gone. I think i'm finally recovered from the meet last week.