Back on the Tren Train! Question


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Well fellas. After suffering some serious injuries a while back I'm recovered and been back in the horse for a few months. I'm back in decent shape and plan on boarding next months Tren train. Haha help me hash out this plan and come to one of two ideas. I have most the gear already so let's plan...
The dilemma is high test/low Tren or visa versa?

I'm running all AML gear.
4 bottles t300
2 bottle Tren ace
3 bottle Anavar

I'm thinking either
We 1-16 t300 600mg/wk
Wk4-12 Tren ace 300/wk
Wk10-16 Anavar 80mg/day

Lower the test and run same cycle but t300 at 300mg/week. Don't want to waste test if the tren is competing for the same receptor anyway. Anyone run it both ways? Care to share your experience? Thanks boys!
if youre going to run tren that low its fine... if you up your tren id say run the test at 300
You think something like 400 Tren?
I'm just a little worried because I don't have caber this time. Old caber guy is gone. And prami messes me up bad. I may have to play with Tren dose to find the sweet spot for sides.

Any thoughts on the Tren/test ratio? I'd prefer lower test. Don't need to RH. A ton of test. Looking for a Avery lean and clean cycle.
If I bump Tren to 100mg eod it'll last just over 5 1/2 weeks. But of a bummer I wanted to run 6+ weeks. Ends up being 300 one week 400 the next. Or Average 350mg/wk.
You are going to have a fantastic cycle my friend. I have ran all those products myself and all are great. I personally see no issue whatsoever with what you layed out in the first post though I might run the Tren from weeks 8-16 instead of 4-12. I actually prefer my test higher then Tren but thats just me.
400 ew is good ive never met a person who needs caber at that dose but doesnt hurt to have it ive been on tren forever i had slight prolactin problems once because my estro was too high. If you dont let estro get high i dont think you will ever have a problem. Low trt test and high tren is my favorite but its what works for me higher test is when i wanna put on size ass well as up the calories.
Hey I'm new to here and need a source I am on biotech gear tren a test 400 and masteron prop I am 59 185 12%bf
But that reminds me....
Prami kills me, and old caber guy is gone. If u boys can help, PM me!
I'd prefer to have some on hand incase. But like a said, the nausea and lack of sleep I get from prami is ANTI GAINS!