Backloading test to reach saturation faster during blast?


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Frontloading test to reach saturation faster during blast?

As I posted in another thread I found my gear is underdosed. I have a trt appt in April and need 4-6 weeks for my test levels to return to normal. This means I'm only going to be able to run a short 2 month cycle as is.

I've read conflicting information on front loading test to achieve blood saturation faster. Anyone have first hand experience with this?
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Easy....use short esters. Prop, ace, phenyl prop, etc. You can front load if you want but not totally necessary with short esters.
Not worth frontloading a long ester in my opinion. If you want to do a short cycle, use short esters...
front loading causes alot of sides... its very difficult to control estrogen with it..

i recommend using a short ester as well.. i front loaded sust once... wont make that mistake again.. my dick wasn't working for 3 weeks lol