BAD Nose Bleeds?


New member
Two weeks into my cycle and I am starting to get these really bad nose bleeds. It started about 3 days ago and seems to come out of nowhere. I have yet to get one while training so that leads me to believe that its not my bp, which I have been keeping tabs on and it is normal to medium. Today I got one that lasted over an hour, and now I am spitting up this black clumpy stuff. Anyone else expirence these problems?
i get them bro,have u checked ur bp ????go get it checked to be sure just besacuse u dint get one while training dosnt mean anythig.
I wonder if it has anything to do with the compounds your cycle consists of ??

Weeks 1-8 500mg test (testoviron)
Weeks 1-8 100mg ed drol (bd)
Weeks 1-8 Winstrol (winny) 50mg ed (zambon)
Whether it's Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) related or not, see an ENT doc. I've seen people die from nosebleeds (most other docs have too, at least of the ENT variety).
You could possible have some mucosal erosion near an artery, which is intermittently leaking. It will need treatment. High BP could be an issue as well, at least an exacerbating factor.
If it ever starts bleeding badly and won't stop, get to the ER. You can bleed out in fairly short order from acute epistaxis (sudden nosebleed).
A word to the wise.
Ok buffdoc thanks for scareing the living shit out of me:) What is mucosal errosion? I have had 3 previous sinus surgeries but never any nosebleeds.
when i run cycles this time of year i get them. I think from my allergies and the possible blood thinning from the gear ( so i have been told) is what causes mine, possibly slight raise in bp too. I am on tren eq test, and i have ran test tren at higher doses at different times of the year and been fine. I have also been holding so much water on a test deca dbol cycle i know my bp was elevated and also fine. I ran 450mg of test this time of year before, and what do you know nosebleeds. I was running adex at 1mg eod too, so i doubt my blood pressure was all that high. My nose blees slightly though, if it gushing you should definately go see a doc.
I was thinking High BP, this could cause nose bleeds, but if you say that your BP is normal I would definitely have it checked out by a Doc. Good Luck Bro!
Popichulo said:
ITS the Drol I got the nose bleeds with drol and with d-bol. Its due to the increased blood pressure.

I would agree with popichulo its the drol but go see a Dr. for sure.
I would cut back the dosage and monitor your BP. My buddy started his first dbol cycle a few weeks ago and started getting nose bleeds right away.
Well guys like I said I keep close tabs on my bp. I have also decided to start some bp meds tomarrow (I used to take them during cycles but decided not to this time). My bp stays within the med to high range but when I get these nose bleeds it sky rockets up to like 170/105.

Hey buffdoc if you read this please comment on the mucisol thing you were talking about, as I have already had 3 sinus surgeries.
Last september I was getting like ten nose bleeds a day and I mean pouring blood. I went to my regular dr. and he tried coturizing my nose and it exploded all over him and me. So he sent me to ENT and he had to use some hi tech coturizing thing but it worked. If you have had three sinus surgeries I bet you blow your nose frequently (I personally pick mine too much) but this has probably irritated blood vessel that will not heal up on its on and sometimes these are up in your passage. What helped me was cutting back on the nose picking and I know you all do it
i march my bp was 190/110.....oddly i was getting nosebleeds too..

2 wks later bp was fine?

anyway still get nose bleeds, just seen doctor and it is an inflammed blood vessel.
told to put polysporin in nose for now to see if that helps....otherwise coturize
Go to a doc and get your BP checked, don't rely on Eckerds BP machine in the pharmacy section. I have been taking drol and recently stopped because my nose has bled a few time the past 3 days. Not to mention I have a headache all day from my BP being too high. Cut back or stop the drol all together. Some can take it some can't. Sucks too because I was up 23lbs in 16 days on em.