Bad pics of me


New member
Pineapple's pics

This is all I could do.

Current stats. 5'10", 220lbs. BF no clue. Naturally juicing for four years. Calves 17", Arms 17.75", Legs 25" (had to take one year off on legs due to injury). Cold in both pictures.
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LiftTillIDie said:
In the first pic I didn't realize you had morphed the face.

neither did i...i was kinda scared, just for a second though.
What strikes me as funny is when someone titles a thread "bad pics" and then posts pictures which are masterfully lit and edited.
LiftTillIDie said:
What strikes me as funny is when someone titles a thread "bad pics" and then posts pictures which are masterfully lit and edited.
Hey, if you think they're good that's great. Cuz before I took a pic of my calves and everyone was complaining how dark they were. Glad you think they're decent :)
Miss Muscle said:
Wow.....looking nice and lean! Good job!
Was that a copy and paste? Cuz I swear I've seen that exact line used for about 20 other guys lol
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pineapple said:
Hey, if you think they're good that's great. Cuz before I took a pic of my calves and everyone was complaining how dark they were. Glad you think they're decent :)

Was that a copy and paste? Cuz I swear I've seen that exact line used for about 20 other guys lol

LOL I've noticed that the way looking good for the devil ;)