Bad pip need some input............


New member
I been running
Tren a 100mg eod
Test p 100 eod
Anadrol 50 mg ed
Adex .5 eod
Prami .5 eod

The problem is the pip it's the worst I've ever had. I can only pin in my glutes and delts. I had to stop pinning my quads because of not being able to walk on that side for a week. My other sites still bother me pretty bad. I've ran gear that hurt before but not like this. When i first got my gear the tren was really dark and three of the bottles had little black spots stuck to the bottom so they sent more but the pip is the same. Any suggestions
Do you have something you can cut it with (dilute it)? I am on TRT so I always like to use my pharma test to do it.

The other option is tp try going to daily injections. That will reduce the volume but you will need more sites.
use test E and tren E. smooth as silk...

Yeah but tren e can be a bitch for someone who has no experience with tren and then they have a bad reaction and have to wait for a whole 2 weeks for that shit to clear. I do like longer esters more though.
I'd pin each separately to find out which is the offending compound. I'm not a fan of test prop as it always gives me some bite, but it's definitely possible that your lab is just using too much BA/BB in the recipe - which can smart a bit.

Sterile oil/injectable B12/or something milder can help as Megatron suggested.

My .02c :)
I use 27 gauge half inch on delts and 25 gauge 1 inch on glutes and quads I've thought about Ed pinning but that means putting it in new spots I tried my bi and it wasn't good it swole halfway down my arm I think imma get some oil and just try that and imma try pinning them in different spots tonight. Yea it's long esters from here on out