Bad PIP on 4th cycle why now?


New member
Doing my 4th Test-E cycle.. 250mg 2x week. into my fourth pin, and have had bad PIP on the 4 pins. I even tried warming the oil and trying Z-Track method. My other cycles, I sometimes had mild pip, but it's really bad this time (feeling sore like a week later). The test is from a source I've used before. It seems really slow to inject (25g pin is taking about a minute for 1cc). No sign of infection or redness, just really sore afterwards. BTW: These are sites I've used before, deltoids, quads..

Is this a sign of anything? Bad gear, oil to thick, etc? Anything suggestions would be appreciated?

Are you training those body parts the day prior? Assuming the gear is the same in quality and ba/bb concentrations, that would be my guess.
Hey halfwit... I'm not training those parts the day prior, but is that a no-no? I'm just really surprised with the pip this time round. I thought I read somewhere that it might be an indicator of bad gear. I thought possibly a bad batch of test e? I'm only 2 weeks in, so too early to tell. I guess I'll keep pushing on.. One other question. Is it ok to work out body parts with pip? am i causing more damage to the muscle by working it out if its sore from pip? Thanks for your reply!
Hey halfwit... I'm not training those parts the day prior, but is that a no-no? I'm just really surprised with the pip this time round. I thought I read somewhere that it might be an indicator of bad gear. I thought possibly a bad batch of test e? I'm only 2 weeks in, so too early to tell. I guess I'll keep pushing on.. One other question. Is it ok to work out body parts with pip? am i causing more damage to the muscle by working it out if its sore from pip? Thanks for your reply!

There's nothing wrong with it, but sometimes if the muscle is already traumatized from working out, it may be more sensitive to a piece of steel being inserted into it. "Bad" gear is a subjective term; which could vary from being underdosed to stupid high concentrations -- I'm guessing it could just be a "hotter" batch, where they used more benzyl alcohol to keep it sterile. Some UGL's will change the concentration, but I've rarely seen it happen from the same place, unless they changed their raws supplier.

You're totally fine working out a group that has PIP, although I do recommend popping an ibuprofen at bedtime if it bothers you intensely. Do NOT rub the area, just let it be and it should go away. However, if the pain persists and you develop a fever or notice "spider-web" like veins near the injection site, it's time to see a doctor for a "B-12 shot" gone bad. I've had lumps where the oil has moved back into the subcutaneous area which persisted for a few weeks, but even those went away -- and weren't necessarily painful to the touch.

Hopefully it's just some "hot" gear and nothing serious. :)