house1 said:
ken, i just cant understand why a gym will only go as high as 100lbs on dumbells
Cause most people can't hoist them badboys like you can bro!! PLUS(and I think this is the major reason), if some chump does manage to get those(or heavier) into position for a lift, I think that most gym owners assume that they will be dropped, and they will have to end up replacing them. That costs money(dbells are what---.45/lbs. at least)and it might just be too big an ass pain. I know at the gym I lift, the 120's are coated with rubber, have caps on the end to protect the allen-key screw, yet still the fucking mooks lifting at my gym somehow managed to actually bend them. That's right, they're BENT...not broken...B-E-N-T! You know how hard you gotta slam those things on a repeated basis to fucking BEND THEM? Hard & often is your answer.
I was chatting with one of the guys at my gym who is notorious for dropping dbells. He has been at this gym for a long time(like 10 years--as long as me), but hasn't made gains at all over that period of time, becuase he continues to do shit with bad form, which includes dropping weights left & right. Anyhow, he said to me that the gym manager bitched him out for dropping the 60's while doing militaries. He said "ya, there's no way you CAN'T drop those". Now normally, I wouldn't say fuckall about it, or to
anyone who drops the dbells, since it aint my gym and I just want to be left alone to do my thing, right?! But that day I felt moody I guess, so I says to this dumbass..."Bullshit bro! If I can sit up with the fucking #120's at #200, then your big ass can surely NOT have to drop the fucking SIXTIES on militaries, considering you weigh in at over #300"! He looked at me like he was expecting me to agree with him that you can help but drop the weights, and was shocked to hear that I opposed his views. He was pissed! O well.