New member
I've been reading posts on here for over a month, and finally fixed my membership issues (internet blows in Iraq). I'm 27 yr male that' 5'9'', 185 lbs, approx 15% BF and am about to start a beastdrol cycle. I've completed a few AS cycles that included dbol, deca, Sustanon (sust) 250, Winstrol (winny), ect so this isn't my first rodeo when it comes to getting in a good diet with proper supps and a solid workout. Given the position I am in, I cannot inject so I've resorted running PH's- Beastdrol. I've got a good PCT on hand of sustain alpha, 6-OXO by ergo and post cycle/unleashed. I've got all extra on cycle supps, so that's not an issue either. I cant seem to find a single post anywhere on beastdrol stacking with epi-strong. Can this be done and to what dosage? I realize Beast is potent by itself, as most are recommending 30 mg of beast/ed for 4-6 wks, NO longer than 6. Now that I've finally get my account set up, I want to set up a log for everybody. I love the community of mature weightlifters/bodybuilders that help eachother out with all of their shit. Any advice would be appreciated.