hes telling you to use test cuz you will still have it if your using beastdrol. you body will not have any of it by day 12-15.
So having "fake" test in your system is better than no tes at all. yes you will get shut down even more but its not the same a PH's..... using some tes E/C with this run would really make it shine. you are clearly doing stuff right from your avi pic but when asking for advice just listen to whats given. Its not like you have to obey it.
in shorrt, learn what your doing before you act like an a$$ to all the knowlegable guys here.
if you goto the main section and ask about an oral only cycle..... well go post there. see what advice you ll get.
btw, pct, clomid. go 75/50/50/25 with aromaisn @ 12.5mg
i know orals only is not good,but im just kinda seeting if this is anygood,and im just doing it because my buddy reallly wants me to try it so im just going to try it ill let you know how it went .