I would not only not stack things with Beast, I would recommend not taking it at all. I have used anabolics on and off for 20 years and this stuff beat the hell out of me. I even used a lower dose. It reeked havoc on my lipids and my liver, I felt like I was poisoning myself with the way I felt. I couldn't eat. I was lethargic. My blood pressure was sky high.
All this to say, there are much much much better choices. Keep in mind that many of the reviews are put there by many of the Need2 army and Elite Fitness will delete all negative product reviews.
You are partially correct. Superdrol compounds can be rough. Hence they they are also effective.
But it all depends on individual physiology. I was quite acquainted with a gentleman on another forum(am) who specifically loved the Superdrol. He was able to take higher doses, experience almost no sides(He used multiple brands) and generally found it to be the most amazing compound for him.
That being said, yes I have seen people, especially those no in shape already, get on superdrol and get downright sicks.
Was you taking support supplements for your liver and such or did you superman it and go natural?
Even pure AAS, some people will react to Injectable Test with a BP reading through the roof past the danger zone. Some can use large doses of Test for their entire life and not feel a thing negative wise.
Its all in how our individual bodies are programmed. The AAS/PH/DS field of life is about taking the time to research, making the choice to accept risks, and understanding you are experimenting since each individual can react so differently.
I got some superdrol sitting in my lil stash I want to use as soon as I am done with some infection issues and get straightened out. It is harder to recover from yes, but if you have a solid post cycle therapy (pct) you will recover.
As for lethargy...I am trying to remember, I think people dosed DHEA with Superdrol to help alleviate lethargy. I will have to get back to you on this.
Its all a science, a math, balancing both sides of the scales so that you get what you want.
Beastdrol does what it says, builds mass. It is potent, and it does require you to know your goods. But all that means, is it is a good product, you just need to prepare yourself for using it.
I would have to agree with that statement. Helladrol made me feel like i was poisoning myself and its supposed to be weaker than beast.
Helladrol is Halo. Literally the most easy to deal with, and accepted by most peoples bodies when it comes to methylated PH/DS. Under Epi(IMO) its main purpose I see is as a hardening and cutting agent. Outside of crossing into the non-methyl region(Bold, and the likes) I have only read of a few people having negative side effects in years of experience on another board.
Most do not even use cycle supports with halo its so mild...
Though I always recommend it for precaution. Precaution is unique in the world of AAS/DS/PH if you catch my drift.
Sorry to hear about both of your negative experiences with the products. But it is not as if the genome of every human on earth matches our own when we compare effects of these things to others.
It is very individualized. But the general understanding of averages is
Halo-harmless, mild, easy to deal with
Superdrol- Potent, rough, heavy gains
What Need2 does is make sure we provide the best product out there. That is exactly what we say it is, and available to those seeking the gains.
Some people think 5mg superdrol effects them negatively, some can run 30mgs and be feeling great. Only one way you ever know.