Been a wile boys - Lean mass Var/TestE/Eq


New member
Hey every one, Well its been some time since I posted.
See some new and some old faces.......As routine, lean mass cycle - I am a bit on the heavy side again and I am getting tired of this no head turning physique :p

Running for 16 weeks, first time for such a long cycle so kick in thy 2 cents plz

I am currently 205 lbs, and last I checked with calipers I was 13% BF
I am aiming for 15-20lbs LBM, which I know I can do - muscle memory will kick in here soon!
Height 5-11"

Test E @ 400mg/week 1-16
Equipose @ 500mg/week 1-15
Anavar @ 100mg 1/4 & 14-17
Arimidex .25mg/EOD 2-16 Increase to .5mg EOD if need be
HCG @ 500IUX2/(Monday-Friday)week 8-16
PCT > Nolvadex 18-22 40/40/20/20

I got my diet in check obviously.
Tuna - Atlantic Salmon - Chicken Breast - Extra Lean Ground Beef.
Low fat cottage cheese - Peanut butter - frozen veggies - yogurts
You get the idea.........That will be accompanied by my 3-4 shakes daily.
I plan to get about 600 cals from each shake.
Total of 4000 cals for now, increase as necessary.

Multi vits
Liver protection
Yada Yada.......


Monday - Off
Tues - Shoulders/Traps/Calfs
Wed - 1hr cardio ( Bike )
Thurs - Legs
Fri - Off
Sat - Chest/Tri
Sun - Back/Bi

Heavy sets low rep - Some to failure some not.

***** Please can some one confirm my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) protocol and Arimidex protocol?
I have never ran such a long cycle before ( max was 12 weeks )
The arimidex I am certain I will need, I seem to be rather sensitive to estrogen and have always flared up in the gyno department.
PCT starts 2 weeks after last test shot ( 3 weeks from last EQ shot ).
And I will be using 1 5000 IU Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) vial, I hope it will stay active for 8 weeks??

Thanks every one!
Everything looks good man... Sorry I didn't see this cycle before.

I'd run the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) @ 250iu's e3d to prevent/decrease testicular atrophy.

Have you ever ran Anavar (var) before?? 100mg ED is ALOT, but I love Anavar (var) so I could see why you'd run it so high.

Other than those thoughts, have fun and good luck.
Hey themilkman.

I ran Anavar (var) 6 other times, I loved it every time.
My current source was free so I can run 100mg/day for about 8 weeks before its dry.
Good kick starter in my opinion!

ok I can change the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) around a bit......I hope it holds out for 8 weeks like I plan to use it ( only 1 vial of 5000 IU )

thanks for the reply!
Take care
Hey themilkman.

I ran Anavar (var) 6 other times, I loved it every time.
My current source was free so I can run 100mg/day for about 8 weeks before its dry.
Good kick starter in my opinion!

ok I can change the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) around a bit......I hope it holds out for 8 weeks like I plan to use it ( only 1 vial of 5000 IU )

thanks for the reply!
Take care

That's the issue with hcg... it only stays good for a little while when it's re-constituted. What I would do is run it from Weeks 8-16 at 250iu's e3d and then use the remainder in the last week at something like 750iu's EOD. I didn't do the math, but you should get like 3 injections out of that. That will give the testes a little bit more of a kick start for post cycle therapy (pct). How old are you? Is Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) an option?

Rather than running the Anavar (var) at 100mg/day for 8 weeks, you should back off a little bit and run it at 80mg/day for 10 weeks or 60mg/day for 12... With such a low liver toxicity, you could get away with 10 or 12 weeks so long as your not a booze hound or slamming 10 Tylenol a day. Just a thought.
are you trying to lose weight or put on weight? you say you want 15-20 lbm, well that cycle will give you 15-20 lbs, but it wont make you lean necessarily. if you are trying to get leaner, 4kcals is very high and i think you should work on your diet if that is your goal. plus, an hour of cardio a week isnt going to do shit, especially on a bike. if you are just trying to gain weight, everything looks good.
Test E @ 400mg/week 1-16
Equipose @ 500mg/week 1-15
Anavar @ 100mg 1/4 & 14-17
Arimidex .25mg/EOD 2-16 Increase to .5mg EOD if need be
HCG @ 500IUX2/(Monday-Friday)week 8-16
post cycle therapy (pct) > Nolvadex 18-22 40/40/20/20

Thanks every one!

Up EQ to 800mg to 1g EW
Cut Anavar (var) to 50mg ED and run it longer.
I wouldn't run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) until the last couple weeks but you are running adex so you should be ok.

I would add clomid to that post cycle therapy (pct) 50mg ED.
i really like the compounds for a long steady to body composition all is gonna b relative to diet n training personally i like a little more test.
Hey VooDoo, welcome back bro!!
I'm with the others on the Var. I've run it numerous ways as well and find it much better run on the back end to top off a cycle (or throughout) and at a bit lower dose for longer.
If you are ok w/arimidex thats fine but in my opinion Aromasin is a much better choice of Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Cant go wrong with either that or AIFM..IMHO
Diet looks good but what macro's will you be shooting for??
Best of luck w/the cycle and keep us posted/updated!!